1,381 Open Access Books
40,853 Authors and Editors
41,569 Web of Science Citations
51,463 Crossref Citations
119,541 Dimension Citations
6 Book Series
Open Access Peer-reviewed Chapter
Recent Molecular Techniques in Cytogenetics
Rikhotso Mpumelelo Casper, Kachienga Leonard and Magwalivha Mpho and Nethathe Bono
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1005877
Part of the book: Genetic Variations - Unraveling Causalities [Working Title]
Open Access Peer-reviewed Chapter
Antioxidant and Prooxidant Functions of Carotenoids in Human Health: Trigger Factors, Mechanism and ...
Aisha Farhana, Yusuf Saleem Khan, Abdullah Alsrhani, Emad Manni, Ayman A.M. Alameen, Wassila Derafa, Nada Alhathloul and Muhammad Atif and Lienda Bashier Eltayeb
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1008739
Part of the book: Recent Advances in Phytochemical Research [Working Title]
Open Access Peer-reviewed Chapter
NGS and Immunogenetics: Sequencing the HLA Genes
Andreea Mirela Caragea, Laurentiu Camil Bohiltea, Alexandra Constantinescu and Ileana Constantinescu and Radu-Ioan Ursu
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1008527
Part of the book: DNA Sequencing - History, Present and Future [Working Title]
Open Access Peer-reviewed Chapter
Endemic Species of Elasmobranchs (Sharks and Rays) in South America: A Review
Ilka Branco-Nunes, Camila Araújo, Emmanuely Ferreira, Sibele Mendonça, Natalia Alves, Diogo Nunes and Danielle Viana and Paulo Oliveira
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1008521
Part of the book: Endemic Species from Around the World - Teaching for Sustainability [Working Title]
Open Access Peer-reviewed Chapter
New Building Management Systems for Smart Cities: A Brief Analysis of Their Potential
Alberto Cilleros García, Mª Cristina Rodríguez-Sánchez, Mª del Prado Díaz de Mera and Imene Yahyaoui and Gabriel Morales Sánchez
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1008269
Part of the book: Urban Pollution - Environmental Challenges in Healthy Modern Cities [Working Title]
Open Access Peer-reviewed Chapter
Planning Capital Cities under Regional Conflict: Paradoxical Urban Spaces – Jerusalem as a Paramount...
Raed Najjar
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1007611
Part of the book: Contemporary Regional Planning Issues [Working Title]
By Zaharia Carmen and Suteu Daniela
Part of the book: Organic Pollutants Ten Years After the Stockholm Convention
By Jaime Romero, Carmen Gloria Feijoo and Paola Navarrete
Part of the book: Health and Environment in Aquaculture
By Mohamed Nageeb Rashed
Part of the book: Organic Pollutants
By Audil Gull, Ajaz Ahmad Lone and Noor Ul Islam Wani
Part of the book: Abiotic and Biotic Stress in Plants
By Marisa Repetto, Jimena Semprine and Alberto Boveris
Part of the book: Lipid Peroxidation
By Issa Korbag, Salma Mohamed Saleh Omer, Hanan Boghazala and Mousay Ahmeedah Aboubakr Abusasiyah
Part of the book: Biogas
By Mehrdad Tajkarimi, Mohammad Hossein Shojaee, Hassan Yazdanpanah and Salam A. Ibrahim
Part of the book: Aflatoxins
By Fred Kamona
Part of the book: Earth and Environmental Sciences
By Maxim Oshchepkov and Konstantin Popov
Part of the book: Desalination and Water Treatment
By Makoto Kanauchi, Sakiko Hatanaka and Makoto Shimoyamada
Part of the book: Food Production and Industry