361 Open Access Books
11,071 Authors and Editors
11,774 Web of Science Citations
11,766 Crossref Citations
28,359 Dimension Citations
1 Book Series
Open Access Peer-reviewed Chapter
Recent Molecular Techniques in Cytogenetics
Rikhotso Mpumelelo Casper, Kachienga Leonard and Magwalivha Mpho and Nethathe Bono
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1005877
Part of the book: Genetic Variations - Unraveling Causalities [Working Title]
Open Access Peer-reviewed Chapter
Antioxidant and Prooxidant Functions of Carotenoids in Human Health: Trigger Factors, Mechanism and ...
Aisha Farhana, Yusuf Saleem Khan, Abdullah Alsrhani, Emad Manni, Ayman A.M. Alameen, Wassila Derafa, Nada Alhathloul and Muhammad Atif and Lienda Bashier Eltayeb
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1008739
Part of the book: Recent Advances in Phytochemical Research [Working Title]
Open Access Peer-reviewed Chapter
NGS and Immunogenetics: Sequencing the HLA Genes
Andreea Mirela Caragea, Laurentiu Camil Bohiltea, Alexandra Constantinescu and Ileana Constantinescu and Radu-Ioan Ursu
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1008527
Part of the book: DNA Sequencing - History, Present and Future [Working Title]
Open Access Peer-reviewed Chapter
Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation in Developing Countries
Francisco Jaramillo, Alejandro Toro-Pedroza, Pedro Caraballo and Álvaro Mondragón and Mildrey Mosquera
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1008566
Part of the book: Stem Cell Transplantation [Working Title]
Open Access Peer-reviewed Chapter
Comparative Analysis of Carcinogenic Compounds in Cooking Oil Emissions and Cigarette Smoke: Implica...
Niranjana Karukayil Gopalakrishnan, Sana Syed Ansar and Manikantan Pappuswamy and Aditi Chaudhary
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1006096
Part of the book: Genetic Variations - Unraveling Causalities [Working Title]
Open Access Peer-reviewed Chapter
Addressing Challenges in Cell Lysis: Effective Strategies and Technologies
Pragya Prakash and Shoaib Haidar and Hare Ram Singh
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1008313
Part of the book: Cytotoxicity - A Crucial Toxicity Test for In Vitro Experiments [Working Title]
By Marisa Repetto, Jimena Semprine and Alberto Boveris
Part of the book: Lipid Peroxidation
By Agnieszka Wolińska and Zofia Stępniewska
Part of the book: Dehydrogenases
By Stefan Kraan
Part of the book: Carbohydrates
By Petronia Carillo, Maria Grazia Annunziata, Giovanni Pontecorvo, Amodio Fuggi and Pasqualina Woodrow
Part of the book: Abiotic Stress in Plants
By Mark Q. Guo, Xinzhong Hu, Changlu Wang and Lianzhong Ai
Part of the book: Solubility of Polysaccharides
By Mehrdad Tajkarimi, Mohammad Hossein Shojaee, Hassan Yazdanpanah and Salam A. Ibrahim
Part of the book: Aflatoxins
By Sylvia Broeders, Nina Papazova, Marc Van den Bulcke and Nancy Roosens
Part of the book: Polymerase Chain Reaction
By Punniavan Sakthiselvan, Setti Sudharsan Meenambiga and Ramasamy Madhumathi
Part of the book: Cell Growth
By Marisa Repetto, Jimena Semprine and Alberto Boveris
Part of the book: Lipid Peroxidation
By Carol Bernstein and Harris Bernstein
Part of the book: Advances in DNA Repair