361 Open Access Books
11,071 Authors and Editors
11,774 Web of Science Citations
11,766 Crossref Citations
28,359 Dimension Citations
1 Book Series
361 peer-reviewed open access books
Edited by Morteza Seifi
Edited by Robson Faria
Edited by Nina Filip
Edited by Preeti Dabas
Edited by Soumya Basu
Edited by Osama Darwesh
Edited by Sevcan Aydin
Edited by Payam Behzadi
Recent Molecular Techniques in Cytogenetics
Rikhotso Mpumelelo Casper, Kachienga Leonard and Magwalivha Mpho and Nethathe Bono
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1005877
Genetic Variations - Unraveling Causalities [Working Title]
Antioxidant and Prooxidant Functions of Carotenoids in Human Health: Trigger Factors, Mechanism and ...
Aisha Farhana, Yusuf Saleem Khan, Abdullah Alsrhani, Emad Manni, Ayman A.M. Alameen, Wassila Derafa, Nada Alhathloul and Muhammad Atif and Lienda Bashier Eltayeb
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1008739
Recent Advances in Phytochemical Research [Working Title]
NGS and Immunogenetics: Sequencing the HLA Genes
Andreea Mirela Caragea, Laurentiu Camil Bohiltea, Alexandra Constantinescu and Ileana Constantinescu and Radu-Ioan Ursu
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1008527
DNA Sequencing - History, Present and Future [Working Title]
Comparative Analysis of Carcinogenic Compounds in Cooking Oil Emissions and Cigarette Smoke: Implica...
Niranjana Karukayil Gopalakrishnan, Sana Syed Ansar and Manikantan Pappuswamy and Aditi Chaudhary
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1006096
Genetic Variations - Unraveling Causalities [Working Title]
Addressing Challenges in Cell Lysis: Effective Strategies and Technologies
Pragya Prakash and Shoaib Haidar and Hare Ram Singh
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1008313
Cytotoxicity - A Crucial Toxicity Test for In Vitro Experiments [Working Title]
By Marisa Repetto, Jimena Semprine and Alberto Boveris
Part of the book: Lipid Peroxidation
By Agnieszka Wolińska and Zofia Stępniewska
Part of the book: Dehydrogenases
By Stefan Kraan
Part of the book: Carbohydrates
By Petronia Carillo, Maria Grazia Annunziata, Giovanni Pontecorvo, Amodio Fuggi and Pasqualina Woodrow
Part of the book: Abiotic Stress in Plants
By Mark Q. Guo, Xinzhong Hu, Changlu Wang and Lianzhong Ai
Part of the book: Solubility of Polysaccharides
By Mehrdad Tajkarimi, Mohammad Hossein Shojaee, Hassan Yazdanpanah and Salam A. Ibrahim
Part of the book: Aflatoxins
By Sylvia Broeders, Nina Papazova, Marc Van den Bulcke and Nancy Roosens
Part of the book: Polymerase Chain Reaction
By Punniavan Sakthiselvan, Setti Sudharsan Meenambiga and Ramasamy Madhumathi
Part of the book: Cell Growth
By Marisa Repetto, Jimena Semprine and Alberto Boveris
Part of the book: Lipid Peroxidation
By Carol Bernstein and Harris Bernstein
Part of the book: Advances in DNA Repair