Gebze Technical University,
Gebze Technical University,
Open access chapters
By Germán Eduardo Dévora-Isiordia, María del Rosario Martínez- Macías, Ma. Araceli Correa-Murrieta, Jesús Álvarez-Sánchez and Gustavo Adolfo Fimbres-Weihs
By Hisham A. Maddah and Mohammed A. Shihon
By Alberto M. Pernía, Miguel J. Prieto, Juan A. Martín-Ramos, Pedro J. Villegas and Francisco J. Álvarez-González
By Adil Charef, M’barek Feddaoui, Abderrahman Nait Alla and Monssif Najim
By Liu Bin, Cai Ling, Li Tianyin and Sajid Muhammad
By Muhammad Wakil Shahzad, Doskhan Ybyraiymkul, Muhammad Burhan and Kim Choon Ng
By Bao The Nguyen
By Chang Hwa Woo
By Saad Alami Younssi, Majda Breida and Brahim Achiou
By Jesús Álvarez-Sánchez, Griselda Evelia Romero-López, Sergio Pérez- Sicairos, German Eduardo Devora-Isiordia, Reyna Guadalupe Sánchez-Duarte and Gustavo Adolfo Fimbres-Weihs
By Bouchra Lamrini and El-Khadir Lakhal
By Manish Thimmaraju, Divya Sreepada, Gummadi Sridhar Babu, Bharath Kumar Dasari, Sai Kiran Velpula and Nagaraju Vallepu
By Florentina Bunea and Gabriel Dan Ciocan
By Jesús Epalza, Jhoan Jaramillo and Oscar Guarín
By Clint Sutherland, Abeni Marcano and Beverly Chittoo
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