Open access peer-reviewed Edited Volume
University of Hamburg,
Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture
Guangxi University,
Sun Yat-sen University,
Guangzhou University
Open access chapters
By Issa Korbag, Salma Mohamed Saleh Omer, Hanan Boghazala and Mousay Ahmeedah Aboubakr Abusasiyah
By Shohei Riya, Lingyu Meng, Yuexi Wang, Chol Gyu Lee, Sheng Zhou, Koki Toyota and Masaaki Hosomi
By Winardi Dwi Nugraha, Syafrudin and Lathifah Laksmi Pradita
By Artur Wodołażski
By Yuni Krisyuningsih Krisnandi, Dita Arifa Nurani, Muhammad Reza, Bayu Adi Samodro, Suwardiyanto, Nirwan Susianto, Arbhyando T. Putrananda, Indah R. Saragi, Aminah Umar, Sung-Min Choi and Russell F. Howe
By Lakshmi Machineni, R. Aparna Rao and Anupoju Gangagni Rao
By Maria Laura Mastellone
20,540 Total Chapter Downloads
44 Crossref Citations
89 Dimensions Citations
2 Altmetric Score
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