Robson Faria

Oswaldo Cruz Foundation Brazil

Robson Faria received his undergraduate degree in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, in 2001, and an MSc and DSc from the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation’s Cellular and Molecular Biology program, in 2003 and 2006, respectively. He has been a public health researcher at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, in Brazil, since 2007. During the past 20 years, Dr. Robson has been working with purinergic receptors, especially P2X7R, and the action of synthetic molecules and derivatives of natural products to discover new prototypes capable of treating neglected diseases.

Robson Faria

2books edited

7chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Robson Faria

This book provides a comprehensive guide to both established and innovative methodologies for exploring ion channel function across various applications. Each chapter begins with a helpful introduction to orient nonexpert readers, providing background and context for the methods discussed, followed by detailed, step-by-step protocols for practical implementation. Topics covered include techniques such as macropatch recordings, bilayer recordings, dynamic clamp, organotypic slice culture, as well as advanced approaches like combined in vivo patch-clamp recording with optogenetics and multielectrode array technology.

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