IntechOpen Book Series

Infectious Diseases

BOOK SERIES DOI 10.5772/intechopen.71852ISSN 2631-6188

Latest publication 24 December 2024

A collection of scientific Topics in Infectious Diseases - always open for submission with an Annual Volume published each calendar year with a dedicated ISSN and ISBN.

Led by Series Editor Prof. Alfonso J. Rodriguez-Morales and an international Editorial Board, all submissions are peer-reviewed and published immediately after acceptance.

The Book Series also publishes a program of research-driven Thematic Edited Volumes that focus on specific areas and allow for a more in-depth overview of a particular subject.


This series will provide a comprehensive overview of recent research trends in various Infectious Diseases (as per the most recent Baltimore classification). Topics will include general overviews of infections, immunopathology, diagnosis, treatment, epidemiology, etiology, and current clinical recommendations for managing infectious diseases. Ongoing issues, recent advances, and future diagnostic approaches and therapeutic strategies will also be discussed. This book series will focus on various aspects and properties of infectious diseases whose deep understanding is essential for safeguarding the human race from losing resources and economies due to pathogens.

Series Editor

An image of Alfonso J. Rodriguez-Morales

Alfonso J. Rodriguez-Morales

Fundación Universitaria Autónoma De Las Américas

Publication details

BOOK SERIES DOI 10.5772/intechopen.71852

ISSN 2631-6188


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Topics in Infectious Diseases

Topic Editors

An image of Tomas Jarzembowski

Tomas Jarzembowski

Medical University of Gdańsk

Topic Editors

An image of Katarzyna Garbacz

Katarzyna Garbacz

Medical University of Gdańsk

Topic Editor

An image of Yuping Ran

Yuping Ran

Sichuan University, China

Topic Editor

An image of Amidou Samie

Amidou Samie

University of Venda, South Africa

Topic Editor

An image of Shailendra K. Saxena

Shailendra K. Saxena

King George's Medical University

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