Open access peer-reviewed Edited Volume
King George's Medical University,
Fundación Universitaria Autónoma De Las Américas
Open access chapters
By Shailendra K. Saxena, Swatantra Kumar, Madhu Mati Goel, Apjit Kaur and Madan LB Bhatt
By Nicolae Bacalbasa, Irina Balescu, Ioan Suciu, Simona Dima and Nicolae Suciu
By Andrés F. Cardona, Alejandro Ruiz-Patiño, Luisa Ricaurte, Leonardo Rojas, Zyanya Lucia Zatarain-Barrón, Oscar Arrieta and Rafael Rosell
By Giorgio Mangino, Maria Vincenza Chiantore, Marco Iuliano, Lorena Capriotti, Luisa Accardi, Paola Di Bonito, Gianna Fiorucci and Giovanna Romeo
By Mohammed M. Manga, Adeola Fowotade and Mohammed Yahaya
By Saule Balmagambetova, Arip Koyshybaev, Kanshaiym Sakiyeva, Olzhas Urazayev and Elnara Ismagulova
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