Dr. Rodriguez-Morales is an expert in tropical and emerging diseases, particularly zoonotic and vector-borne diseases (notably arboviral diseases), and more recently COVID-19 and Monkeypox.
He is the president of the Publications and Research Committee of
the Pan-American Infectious Diseases Association (API), as well as
the president of the Colombian Association of Infectious Diseases
(ACIN). He is a member of the Committee on Tropical Medicine,
Zoonoses, and Travel Medicine of ACIN. Dr. Rodriguez-Morales is a vice-president
of the Latin American Society for Travel Medicine (SLAMVI) and a member of the
Council of the International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID). Since 2014, he has
been recognized as a senior researcher at the Ministry of Science of Colombia. He is a
professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the Fundacion Universitaria Autonoma de las
Americas, in Pereira, Risaralda, Colombia, and a professor, Master in Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, at Universidad Científica del Sur, Lima, Peru. He is also a
non-resident adjunct faculty member at the Gilbert and Rose-Marie Chagoury School
of Medicine, Lebanese American University, Beirut, Lebanon, and an external professor, Master in Research on Tropical Medicine and International Health, at Universitat
de Barcelona, Spain. Additionally, an invited professor, Master in Biomedicine, at
Universidad Internacional SEK, Quito, Ecuador, and a visiting professor, Master Program of Epidemiology, at Diponegoro University, Indonesia. In 2021 he was awarded
the “Raul Isturiz Award” Medal of the API and, the same year, the “Jose Felix Patiño”
Asclepius Staff Medal of the Colombian Medical College due to his scientific contributions to the topic of COVID-19 during the pandemic. He is currently the Editor in
Chief of the journal Travel Medicine and Infectious Diseases. His Scopus H index is 55
(Google Scholar H index 77) with a total of 725 publications indexed in Scopus.