Open access peer-reviewed Edited Volume
University of Texas at Houston McGovern Medical School,
United States of America
Open access chapters
By Maria Giovanna Russo, Fiorella Fratta, Antonia Giudicepietro, Carmela Morelli, Fortuna Del Gaizo, Laura di Pietto, Marina De Marco, Ludovica Spinelli Barrile and Federica De Fazio
By Teja Senekovič Kojc and Nataša Marčun Varda
By Yolandee Bell-Cheddar, William Devine, Mario Castro-Medina, Raymond Morales, XinXiu Xu, Cecilia W. Lo and Jiuann-Huey Ivy Lin
By Luciana Da Fonseca Da Silva, William A. Devine, Tarek Alsaied, Justin Yeh, Jiuann-Huey Ivy Lin and Jose Da Silva
By Si Hui Wong, Daniel Nento, Harinder Singh and Arpit Agarwal
By Osama Elshazali, Murtada Ibrahim and Abdelmoniem Elseed
By Ikechukwu Andrew Nwafor, Josephat Maduabuchi Chinawa, John Chukwuemeka Eze and Fidelis Anayo Onyekwulu
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2 Crossref Citations
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