Istanbul Medeniyet University,
Open access chapters
By Yang Yao, Lu Wang, Liling Hao, Lisheng Xu, Shuran Zhou and Wenyan Liu
By Tie-Gang Li, Bo-Yi Yang, Shu-Jun Fan, Tamara Schikowski, Guang- Hui Dong and Kateryna B. Fuks
By Daryl I. Smith, Hai T. Tran and Joseph Poku
By Aleksandra Ilic, Djordje Ilic, Jelena Papović, Snezana Stojsic, Aleksandra Milovancev, Dragana Grkovic, Anastazija Stojsic- Milosavljevic, Tatjana Redzek-Mudrinic, Artur Bjelica, Olivera Rankov and Lazar Velicki
By Manuela Ciocoiu, Bogdan Mihail Diaconescu and Codruta Badescu
By Leandro Heleno Guimarães Lacerda, Ricardo Cambraia Parreira, Rebecca Vasconcellos, Swiany Silveira Lima, Anderson Kenedy Santos, Vanessa Fontana, Valéria Cristina Sandrim and Rodrigo Ribeiro Resende
By Ingrid Prkačin, Diana Rudan, Tomo Svaguša, Matija Bakoš and Zrinko Šalek
By Ghazal Quinn, Phillip John Gary, Christopher Damiano and Geoffrey Teehan
By Ghazal Quinn, Phillip John Gary, Christopher Damiano and Geoffrey Teehan
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