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help:mongodb:refsheet [2020/06/20 14:39] (current) – created - external edit
Line 1: Line 1:
 +<WRAP noprint>
 +|<100% 25% - >|
 +^  Document Title:|The HDIP Data Analytics MongoDB quick reference sheet|
 +^  Document No.:|1552663033|
 +^  Author(s):|Gerhard van der Linde, Rita Raher|
 +^  Contributor(s): |
 +|< 100% 10% - - 10% 17% 10% >|
 +^  \\  Revision\\  \\  ^\\ Details of Modification(s)^\\ Reason for modification^  \\ Date  ^  \\ By  ^
 +|  [[:doku.php?id=help:mongodb:cheatsheet&do=revisions|0]]  |Draft release|Drafting the The HDIP Data Analytics MongoDB cheat sheet|  2019/03/15 15:17  |Gerhard van der Linde, Rita Raher|
 +====== MongoDB Quickref Sheet ======
 +<WRAP group>
 +<WRAP third column>
 +**Admin Commands**
 +<code javascript>
 +show dbs
 +show databases
 +use <db>
 +show collections
 +**aggregate $ keywords** (( ((
 +<code mongo>
 +  $avg
 +  $min
 +  $max
 +  $sum
 +  $first
 +  $last
 +<WRAP third column>
 +**DB Commands**
 +<code javascript>
 +**Sorting** ((
 +<code mongo>
 +<WRAP third column>
 +**find/update $ Keywords**
 +<code javascript>
 +$and: [{},{}]
 +$or: [{},{}]
 +$in: [1,2,3,7]
 +===== Import/Export data =====
 +<code javascript>
 +// import csv into empty collection
 +mongoimport --db userdb --collection user --type csv --headerline --file C:\Use...\users.csv
 +<code javascript>
 +// add csv to existing collection
 +mongoimport --db userdb --collection users --type csv --headerline --mode merge --file C:\Use...\sex.csv
 +<code javascript>
 +// import json into empty collection
 +mongoimport --db proj --collection docs --type json --file C:\Users\121988\Documents\52553\mongo.json
 +<code javascript>
 +//export an exixting collection
 +mongoexport.exe /db:userdb /collection:users /jsonArray /pretty /out:users.json
 +===== Find Examples =====
 +find(<color #ffaec9>query</color>)
 +<code javascript>
 +<code javascript>
 +db.user.find({$and: [{age:{$gt:19}}, {carReg: {$exists:true}}]})
 +find(<color #ffaec9>query</color>, <color #00a2e8>projection</color>)
 +<code javascript>
 +db.User.find({age: {$gt: 20}}, {email:1})
 +<code javascript>
 +//Return only the first_name and surname attributes of all documents 
 +db.User.find({}, {_id:false, first_name:1, surname:1})
 +<code mongo>
 +db.student.find({address:{$exists: true}}, {_id:0, "address.county":1})                 
 +===== Update Examples =====
 +**Note the use of <color #ed1c24>$set</color> and <color #ed1c24>$unset</color>**
 +<code javascript>
 +<code javascript>
 +db.users.update({$and: [{Sex:"M"},{age:{$gt:20}}]},{$set:{"title":"Mr."}},{multi:true})
 +<code javascript>
 +<code javascript>
 +<code javascript>
 +===== Aggregate Examples =====
 +db.collection.aggregate (( ([<color #ffaec9>$match</color>, <color #00a2e8>$group</color>, <color #ffc90e>$sort</color>])
 +<code mongo>
 +==== $group ====
 +<color #ed1c24>$group</color> same as Group by in **MySQL** 
 +<code mongo>
 +//Get the average gpa for all students 
 +db.users.aggregate([{$group:{_id:null, Average:{$avg:"$gpa"}}}])
 +<code mongo>
 +//Get the Maximum GPA per age group 
 +db.march8.aggregate([{$group:{_id:"$age", "Max GPA per Age":{$max:"$gpa"}}}])
 +<code mongo>
 +//To sort: $sort
 +db.march8.aggregate([{$group:{_id:"$age", "Max GPA per Age":{$max:"$gpa"}}}, {$sort:{_id:1}}])
 +==== $lookup====
 +**$lookup**: {<color #ffaec9>from</color>, <color #00a2e8>localField</color>, <color #ffc90e>foreignField</color>, <color #c8bfe7>as</color>}
 +^  from: |<collection to join>|
 +^  localField: |<field from the input documents>|
 +^  foreignField: |<field from the documents of the "from" collection>|
 +^  as: |<output array field>|
 +<code mongo>
 +// .aggregate([{$lookup}])[{$lookup:{from:"docs", localField:"modules", foreignField: "_id", as:"Details"}}])
 +<code mongo>
 +// .aggregate([{$match},{$lookup}])
 +db.cityinfo.aggregate([{$match:{name:"Tom"}},{$lookup:{from:"cityinfo", localField:"addresses", foreignField: "_id", as:"Details"}}])
 +<code mongo>
 +// .aggregate([{$match},{$lookup},{$project}]) 
 +db.cityinfo.aggregate([{$match:{city:"CHESTERFIELD"}},{$lookup:{from:"cityinfo", localField:"state", foreignField:"_id", as:"StateInfo"}},{$project:{capital:0}}])
 +===== Query, Update, Options =====
 +db.collection.update (( (<color #ffaec9>query</color>, <color #ff7f27>update</color>, <color #00a2e8>options</color>)
 +<code mongodb>
 +   <query>,
 +   <update>,
 +   {
 +     upsert: <boolean>,
 +     multi: <boolean>,
 +     writeConcern: <document>,
 +     collation: <document>,
 +     arrayFilters: [ <filterdocument1>, ... ]
 +   }
 +===== Indexing =====
 +<code mongo>
 +<code mongo>
 +<code mongo>
 +**Note:** The index on **_id** cannot be dropped
help/mongodb/refsheet.txt · Last modified: 2020/06/20 14:39 by