Git Quick Help

Get a git repository from GitHub to a pc

This command must be executed in the parent folder where you want this new cloned repository to be cloned into like in the Document folder of a Windows PC.

# the git url can be obtained from the git repository 
# in the browser by clicking on the green button labeled 
git clone <git url>

Set Git to remember user cridentials for folder under git control

git config credential.helper store

Save updates added or changed in a folder already under git control

The following commands must be executed in the repository folder previously cloned from GitHub.

# add veryting not under git control to be under git control
git add .
# check the status of git - optional
git status
# commit everything added
git commit -m "comment for the submission"
# synchronise the committed updates with GitHub using push
git push

update a current git repository with the latest updates on GitHub online.

This command must be executed inside the repository folder.

git pull

Create a git server