~~NOTOC~~ |<100% 25% - >| ^ \\ DATA ANALYTICS REFERENCE DOCUMENT\\ \\ ^^ ^ Document Title:|Pandoc| ^ Document No.:|1571212573| ^ Author(s):|Gerhard van der Linde| ^ Contributor(s):| | **REVISION HISTORY** |< 100% 10% - - 10% 17% 10% >| ^ \\ Revision\\ \\ ^\\ Details of Modification(s)^\\ Reason for modification^ \\ Date ^ \\ By ^ | [[:doku.php?id=help:developer_tools:pandoc&do=revisions|0]] |Draft release|Pandoc usage reference| 2019/10/16 07:56 | Gerhard van der Linde | ---- ====== Pandoc ====== * [[https://pandoc.org/]] * [[https://pandoc.org/demos.html|Usage examples]] * [[https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#options|File Formats]] ===== Advanced usage examples ===== Convert a web page to a pdf document. pandoc -V geometry:"top=2cm, bottom=1.5cm, left=2cm, right=2cm" -s https://statistics.laerd.com/spss-tutorials/testing-for-normality-using-spss-statistics.php -t latex -o testing-for-normality-using-spss-statistics.pdf |-V geometry |Set the page size parameters| |-s |Page source| |-t |target. If latex and names extension is pdf, it uses latex to create a pdf file| |-o | specify the output file name|