import sqlite3 # load the SQLite library conn = sqlite3.connect('data/example.db') # open a local database file c = conn.cursor() # create a cursor c #read three csv files in person = pd.read_csv("", index_col=0) car = pd.read_csv("", index_col=0) county = pd.read_csv("", index_col=0) #convert and save csv files to the database county.to_sql("county", conn) person.to_sql("person", conn) car.to_sql("car", conn) # run a query to show all the tables created above c.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'") c.fetchall() # run a query with a joinbetween two tables c.execute(""" SELECT p.Name, c.Registration, p.Address FROM person as p JOIN car as c ON p.ID = c.OwnerId """) c.fetchall() # run a query with a join between three tables c.execute(""" SELECT p.Name, c.Registration, p.Address FROM person as p JOIN car as c ON p.ID = c.OwnerId JOIN county as t ON t.Name = p.Address WHERE c.Registration NOT LIKE '%-' + t.Registration + '-%' """) c.fetchall() # close the connection conn.close()