Lagos State University
Open access chapters
By Omolade O. Okwa
By John C. Igweh
By V. Choumet
By Guido Favia, Irene Ricci, Patrizia Scuppa, Claudia Damiani, Paolo Rossi, Aida Capone, Chenoa De Freece, Matteo Valzano, Alessia Cappelli, Michela Mosca and Ulisse Ulissi
By R.K. Tyagi, N.K. Garg, T. Sahu and P. Prabha
By Xue Yan Yam, Alassane Mbengue and Catherine Braun-Breton
By Alfonso Marzal
By Adeola Orogade
By Sam M. Kinyanjui
By Elke S. Bergmann-Leitner, Elizabeth H. Duncan and Evelina Angov
By Alyssa E. Barry, James Beeson, John C. Reeder, Freya J.I. Fowkes and Alicia Arnott
By Alison Machado, Cheikh Loucoubar, Laura Grange, Jean-François Bureau, Anavaj Sakuntabhai and Richard Paul
By Pieter B. Burger and Fourie Joubert
By Grellier Philippe, Deregnaucourt Christiane and Florent Isabelle
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