Open access peer-reviewed chapter - ONLINE FIRST

Cleft Lip/Palate: Hidden Aspects beyond the Gap

Written By

Shilpi Karmakar and Pawan Kumar Dixit

Submitted: 05 April 2024 Reviewed: 09 December 2024 Published: 16 January 2025

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.115578

Pediatric Surgical Procedures - An Updated Guide - Volume I IntechOpen
Pediatric Surgical Procedures - An Updated Guide - Volume I Edited by Sherif Shehata

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Pediatric Surgical Procedures - An Updated Guide - Volume I [Working Title]

Prof. Sherif Shehata

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Cleft lip/palate is a common congenital anomaly, with 1 in 700 newborns afflicted. Most surgery textbooks teach standard techniques for cleft lip/palate repair. However, there is much deeper science and art behind eradicating the stigma of the cleft. The cleft nose, vermillion, maxilla, and voice are giveaways of a good-but-not-great surgery. Similarly, the failure to address the maxillary hypoplasia, the dentition, the maxillary arches, the hearing, and the speech are common occurrences. This chapter will highlight the broad spectrum of cleft lip/palate conditions and the “why,” “when”, and “how” to address these deformities. Management of cleft lip/palate is a multidisciplinary task, with the child’s welfare at its center.


  • maxilla
  • cleft lip
  • cleft palate
  • rhinoplasty
  • nasal bone
  • nasoalveolar molding
  • orthopedics
  • malocclusion

1. Introduction

Werner Hagedorn said, “Great things are done when art and science meet.” Cleft care is a discipline where art and science blend to create magic. Adding the elixir of “timing” and “dedicated teamwork” leads to mesmerizing magic of galactic proportions.

One in 700 newborn babies are born with cleft lip and palate (CLP) worldwide. The numbers vary for sex, race, and region [1]. The multifactorial etiology occurs due to variations during the embryo’s normal development. The regular events of the development of the face are well described in the literature, and the reader is referred elsewhere to understand the same.

Besides the visibly apparent defects of the lip and palate, children affected with CLP also have distortion and dysfunction of the velum, eustachian tubes, hearing apparatus, speech apparatus, nose, maxilla, and dentition. These all cumulatively lead to inadequate physical development and psychological trauma. The malady affects not only the child but also the parents and the family, who struggle with a sense of guilt and helplessness. The management of CLP, thus, requires a dedicated team of healthcare providers and interventions that are timely and intelligent. The skilled care of the CLP child occurs throughout the individual’s growth period.


2. Health concerns in a child born with CLP

2.1 Lip defect

There is a deficiency of upper lip tissue comprising orbicularis oris, skin, mucosa, and vermillion. The fibers of orbicularis oris are discontinuous and abnormally attached to the cleft margin, maxilla, and alar base. These abnormal attachments lead to widening of the cleft gap as the child grows. The bilateral cleft lip has a deficiency of orbicularis oris in the central premaxilla segment. Thus, the absence of muscular reining forces manifests in the protrusion of the premaxilla.

During the repair of the cleft lip, the orbicularis oris is freed from all anomalous attachments and sutured across the cleft. The height and thickness of the orbicularis need to be maintained while repairing for adequate cosmesis.

2.2 Defect in palate

There is a deficiency of palate tissue, comprising horizontal plate of maxilla bone, palatine bone, oral mucosa, nasal mucosa, muscles of soft palate (levator veli palatine (LVP), tensor veli palatini (TVP), musculus uvula, palatopharyngeus and palatoglossus). As in the cleft lip, the fibers of these muscles are abnormally attached to the cleft margin and posterior border of the hard palate. During the repair of the hard palate, closure of oral and nasal mucosa is not enough. The abnormal attachments of the muscles must be released, and the LVP of both sides must be repaired.

The LVP is a crucial member of the velopharyngeal sphincter complex. While repairing the LVP, it must also be positioned in the more anatomical posterior part of the velum. Positioning is vital to prevent nasal air leaks while speaking and fluids while swallowing.

2.3 Nutrition

Feeding is a significant challenge for the parents of CLP babies. In normal children, during sucking, the lips form a seal over the mother’s breast as the velum closes the nasopharynx. In this closed cavity, movements of the tongue and mandible in relation to the palate generate a suction force. The cleft in the lip prevents the formation of the lip seal [2]. This is overcome by a child with a cleft lip (CL) by using the alveolar arch. A cleft palate (CP) precludes the formation of the velopharyngeal seal. This leads to weak suction pressure while feeding and milk regurgitation through the nose. The attempts at breastfeeding are also exhausting for the CLP baby. Over time, with inadequate breast milk expression, there is gradual lactation suppression. The parents resort to formula feeding or diluted cow’s milk, which does not have sufficient nutrient value.

The CLP child, thus, gets entangled in a vicious circle, where the result is malnutrition, failure to thrive, anemia, hypoproteinemia, and low weight gain. All this is happening while the infant’s brain is undergoing maximal development. Nutritional insult at this stage has devastating consequences for the physical and mental growth of the child.

2.4 Hearing

The eustachian tube connects the nasopharynx to the tympanic cavity, and its nasopharyngeal opening is regulated mainly by the TVP. The LVP functions as a tube dilator. The eustachian orifices usually are closed at rest and open with yawning, swallowing, and speech. In CP children, the anomalous insertions of the TVP and LVP result in the replacement of the isotonic contractions by isometric contractions. Thus, the eustachian tube opening and middle ear ventilation are affected [3, 4]. The abnormal nasal reflux of feeds instigates an inflammatory reaction, resulting in edema around the tubal orifice. The variations of the craniofacial skeleton, intrinsic abnormalities of the tubal cartilage framework, misaligned and dysfunctional peritubal musculature, repeated respiratory infections, and hypertrophied adenoids all add insult to injury and further block the orifice of the eustachian tube [5, 6, 7].

Thus, when absorbed, the gases in the middle ear are not replaced, resulting in a negative pressure and tympanic membrane retraction. The negative pressure leads to fluid secretion from the mucous membrane into the middle ear, causing an effusion. Recurrent effusions may get infected and lead to suppurative otitis media. Recurrent or chronic middle ear disease can eventually result in conductive hearing loss [2]. Conductive hearing loss further exacerbates speech and learning problems in CLP children.

The incidence of middle ear disease is as high as 90% in children with CP, 45% of whom suffer from recurrent ear infections [8]. More than 50% of adolescents and adults with unoperated CP have developed a hearing loss of more than 15 dB [8].

2.5 Speech

The motor aspect of speech includes phonation (involving the larynx), articulation, and resonance. Articulation results from muscular activity of the lip, tongue, and soft palate. Resonance involves the mouth, nose, paranasal sinuses, pharynx, and chest cavity [2]. The consonants are categorized depending on whether the articulators are closed (plosives) or narrowed (fricatives) at a specific point.

The cleft of the lip and alveolus only affects the related consonants. The gap in the palate results in nasal emission of air, incompetence of the velopharyngeal sphincter, and defects in articulation. This is responsible for the nasal intonation, primarily of the vowels—the typical hypernasal cleft palate speech or audible nasal emissions or frictations [2, 9]. Extensive scars (due to messy surgery) in the soft palate also interfere with the closure of the velopharyngeal apparatus. The fistula in the hard or soft palate allows nasal air to escape with speech, leading to altered vowel quality, audible nasal emission, indistinct consonant production, and substitution mechanisms [10].

2.6 Maxilla and alveolus

The affected side maxilla is generally underdeveloped and hypoplastic, and surgical intervention negatively influences further growth. In CLP, the alveolar segment is displaced laterally—pushed by the tongue and pulled by the anteriorly attached muscle. In addition, the posterior arch is pushed posteromedially by cheek pressure. These forces misalign the alveolar arch [11]. Thus, the maxillary segment is displaced in the frontal, sagittal, and vertical planes, with the larger segment retroposition upward and outward and the lateral segment collapsing and displaced medially [2].

In bilateral CLP, the excessive premaxillary protrusion is directed more horizontally, resulting in a prominent central prolabial segment of the lip. This is due to the forward expansion of the alveolar process by unrestrained bone growth at the suture between the vomer and premaxilla, the growth of cartilaginous nasal septum due to facial muscle and maxillary bone disruption, and associated underdevelopment of the maxillary segments [2].

Cleft of the alveolus affects the number, position, shape, size, time of eruption, and crown/ root formation of the deciduous and permanent teeth in and adjacent to the cleft. Also, the alveolar cleft between the maxillary lateral incisor and the canine tooth roots increases from the incisal edge to the apices of the teeth and is widest at the nasal cavity [2].

2.7 Dentition

In CL, the incisors may be excessively proclined due to incontinence of the orbicularis muscle or retroclined due to “too tight” lip closure [2]. The number and position of teeth are affected. CLP children are more prone to develop caries. Compounded to it is the insult induced by surgical procedures. Palate repair procedures are known to reduce the vascularity of the alveolar mucoperiosteum.

Malocclusion is common in CLP patients and is somewhat related to the severity of the cleft and alignment of the arches. Intrinsic maxillary sagittal growth inhibition leads to anterior crossbite. Transverse deficiency presents with crowding, lateral crossbite, and open bite. Surgical scars greatly restrict the sagittal and transverse growth [2].

2.8 Nose

Along with CLP, there is an innate deficiency of the maxilla and cleft in the floor of the nose. The bone platform, cartilage support, lining, and skin are inherently dissimilar. There is an inherent discrepancy in the skin cover, cartilage support, nasal lining, and bony platform. Added to it is the anomalous insertion of the transverse muscle of the nose and the orbicularis oris around the nasal septum and nasal spine and the contractions of the contralateral normal muscle [2]. These cause the development of a peculiar set of nasal abnormalities, described below. To these deficiencies is added the insult of growth.

In unilateral CLP, the nasal tip is deviated to the non-cleft side (Figure 1). The nasal spine is positioned on the floor of the normal nostril, as the inferior edge of the nasal septum may be anteriorly dislocated from the vomerine groove. The vertical height of the columella on the cleft side is reduced and is slanted obliquely. The alar cartilage is attenuated, flattened, and dislocated from the tip [2]. The lateral crus is spread at an obtuse angle with respect to the medial crus. The medial crus lies lower in the columella. The dome is retroplaced. The overhanging alar rim forms a web as it lacks cartilage. Due to a lack of bony support, the alar base is asymmetrical, lying inferior and posterior, with an outward flare and no alar-facial groove definition. The cleft side nostril has a transverse axis and a circumference greater than the normal nostril [2, 12].

Figure 1.

Nasal deformity in unilateral cleft lip.

In bilateral cleft lip nasal deformity, the nose is flared with a broad, depressed, flat nasal tip and a markedly shortened columella (Figure 2) [11]. The columella, caudal end of the septum, and the anterior nasal spine are displaced inferiorly in relation to the level of the alar bases. The bilateral alar cartilages are severely deformed and dislocated off the septum [11]. The medial crura is short and widely separated at the tip, the lateral crura is flat and elongated, and there is an obtuse angle between the crura and the dome [2, 12]. The alar bases are displaced laterally and sometimes inferiorly and posteriorly. The often asymmetric nostrils are horizontally oriented, and the nasal floor may be absent [2].

Figure 2.

Nasal deformity in bilateral cleft lip.

2.9 Growth of the child

Poor feeding, recurrent ear and airway infections, intrinsic growth deficiency, decreased levels of growth hormone, and repeated surgeries contribute to unsatisfactory growth of the child. There is poor weight gain in early life and a general lag in the growth curve, with a transient growth retardation. In late childhood, the height and weight are decreased compared with normal children, and puberty is delayed by 6 months with reduced velocity of skeletal growth [11]. However, longitudinal studies reveal that the average growth usually returns to normal by 4 years of age initially and again after puberty, which may be prolonged by up to 1 year [2].

2.10 Confidence

Teasing over facial appearance is commonly reported and has been found to result in poor psychological functioning in individuals with CLP [13]. Anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem are common among affected adult individuals [14]. Job opportunities and the marriage market are relatively constricted for CLP individuals when compared to the average population [14].

2.11 Parental distress

After the birth of an infant with CLP, the parents are usually shocked at the first sight of their child’s face [15]. The family’s situation is classified as a “psychosocial emergency,” characterized by disappointment, helplessness, and desperation, which may lead to a period of severe emotional crisis for the parents [15]. Parents often feel guilty about the malformation and are concerned about their child’s future. Parents of CLP may develop a feeling of chronic disappointment, which parents of physically disabled children are often seen to struggle with [15].


3. Classification systems of CLP

Davis and Ritchie gave the first classification for CLP, considering the alveolar process as the foundation. Group I was Prealveolar, Group II was Postalveolar, Group III was Unilateral alveolar cleft, and Group IV was Bilateral alveolar cleft. This classification was neither based on anatomy nor embryological development. Kernahan and Stark designated the incisive foramen as the dividing point between primary and secondary palates. This correctly described the deformity. Vilar-Sancho classified clefts based on Greek nomenclature. Lip was shown by “K” (keilos), alveolus by “G” (gnato), hard palate by “U” (urano), and soft palate by “S” (stafilos). Complete cleft was represented in capitals and partial in small letters. “2” was used to represent bilateral, “d” indicated right, “l” indicated left, an “I” indicated incomplete, and “o” indicated operated. Being in Greek, it could not be used by the rest of the world [16].

Spina used the incisive foramen as a reference point and divided clefts into four groups: Group I – Preincisive foramen clefts, Group II – Transincisive foramen clefts, Group III – Postincisive foramen clefts and Group IV – Rare facial clefts. Each group had unilateral, bilateral, and median; each group was subdivided into total and partial. The International Society adopted this for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Kernahan proposed the “Y” classification, drawing nine boxes with nasopalatine foramen as the central point. This classification was a diagrammatic or symbolic representation of the cleft deformity and was used very effectively for documentation or charting. It could not be used for writing the diagnosis in the case file, verbal communication for the text’s description, or computer archiving [16].

In 1989, Kriens proposed LAHSHAL, an abbreviated documentation system. Lip (L), alveolus (A), hard palate (H), and soft palate (S) were used to form LAHSHAL. The Indian classification was given by Balakrishnan and is widely accepted now. It classifies almost all the combinations of clefts encountered, and a brief notation can represent it. Gp 1 indicates cleft lip, with the suffix “a” indicates cleft alveolus. Gp 2 indicates cleft palate. Gp 3 indicates cleft of lip and palate.


4. Management of CLP

A specialized team manages the CLP throughout the individual’s growth period. The team of healthcare providers for the CLP child incorporates many specialists, including a counselor, pediatrician, nutritionist, geneticist, plastic surgeon, maxillofacial surgeon, ear, nose and throat specialist, orthodontist, prosthodontist, speech pathologist, speech therapist, social worker and nurse (Table 1) [17]. The quality of life of the family on the whole, as measured by the “Impact on Family Scale”, is severely impacted by the birth of a child with CLP. Hence, holistic support of the family is as important as the care of the child itself.

AntenatalDetectionFamily and genetic counselingPediatrician
Parental distressGeneticist
Birth to 1 monthParental adaptationFamily and genetic counselingPediatrician
FeedingFeeding counselingGeneticist
Other congenital malformationsComplete medical assessmentCounselor
0 to 3 monthsFeedingFeeding and growth assessmentPediatrician
Growth and developmentNasoalveolar moldingOrthodontist
Gap in lip tissues and nasal deformityPresurgical orthopedicsPlastic surgeon
Nutritional assessmentNutritionist
3 to 6 monthsCleft lipCheiloplasty, primary rhinoplasty and anterior palatoplasty (or gingivoperiosteoplasty)Plastic surgeon
6 to 12 monthsCleft palateCleft palatoplasty with soft palate muscle repairPlastic surgeon
Speech developmentSpeech evaluationSpeech therapist
Middle ear effusionHearing evaluation =/− ventilatory tube insertionENT surgeon
1 to 5 yearsSpeech and language developmentSpeech and language evaluationSpeech therapist
Dental abnormalitiesVelopharnygeal dysfunction assessment and managementPlastic surgeon
Hearing abnormalitiesDental evaluationEnt surgeon
Hearing evaluationOrthodontist
5 to 6 yearsNasal deformityPreschool rhinoplastyPlastic surgeon
7 to 11 yearsSecondary deformities of lip and noseSurgical revision of lip and nose deformitiesPlastic surgeon
Alveolar defectOrthodontic management of misaligned alveolar arches
Dental abnormalitiesAlveolar bone grafting
13 to 18 yearsDental abnormalitiesDental and orthodontic careOrthodontist
Maxillary hypoplasia and malocclusionDental implantsProsthodontist
Speech and language evaluationPlastic surgeon
Psychological assessmentPsychologist
Orthognathic surgerySpeech therapist
Definitive rhinoplasty
18 years and olderResidual nasal deformitiesOrthognathic surgeryPlastic surgeon
Skeletal abnormalitiesDefinitive rhinoplastySpeech therapist

Table 1.

Summary of health issues, age and method of management of CLP and the specialities involved.

4.1 Antenatal detection and management

The detection rates with two-dimensional (2D) ultrasonic examination at 20 weeks of gestation vary from 16 to 93% [18, 19]. The overall detection rate of facial clefts is 65%. The detection rate for CLP is 93%, 67% for isolated CL, and 22% for isolated CP [1]. This fact is because of the difference in operator, technique, maternal body habitus, amniotic fluid volume, fetal position, and the type of cleft influence ultrasonography.

Three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound is usually used in addition to 2D ultrasound for early identification of clefts in the first trimester [20]. The absence of acoustic shadowing due to the non-ossification of the surrounding facial bones facilitates visualization of the palate in the multiplanar mode at this early gestation period [20]. The sensitivity and specificity of MRI in diagnosing CLP are yet to be proven. MRI, in addition to conventional ultrasound, is shown to improve the accuracy of the diagnosis [21].

Stoll et al. reported a 36% incidence of other congenital malformations in children with oral clefts, highlighting the significance of antenatal detection [22]. Parents in these cases should be offered invasive testing for detecting chromosomal anomalies and genetic counseling [23].

4.2 First 6 months of life

4.2.1 Counseling

Parents are often sad and devastated by the birth of a CLP child [24]. Formation of a supportive parent-child relationship is a must for the child’s development [25]. Counseling plays a pivotal role in the adaptation of the family to the child born with CLP or detected to be afflicted with the malady in the antenatal period. It is also essential to facilitate long-term collaboration between the parents and the various healthcare professionals involved in the multidisciplinary treatment team. Information regarding the etiology of the cleft and the treatable nature of the disease helps in alleviating the guilt and anxiety of the parents. The counseling session should address questions regarding feeding, growth, other health issues, and their management [15]. Complete, accurate, and unbiased information must be shared, and parents must be made aware of the availability and accessibility of healthcare facilities. A comprehensive treatment plan must be outlined. Parents should be helped in contacting organizations that provide one-to-one support and family-centered team care. The need for long-term follow-up extending into adulthood must be explained to the family.

4.2.2 Genetic counseling

CLPs tend to recur in families. A positive family history is found in approximately every sixth child with CL ± P [26]. The risk of a child getting affected is 3.2% if one parent is affected with CL ± P and 6.8% if the parent is affected with CP. If a sibling is affected by CL ± P, the risk of the next child getting affected is 4.4%. If a sibling is affected by CP, the risk reduces to 2.5%. This risk increases to 9% after two affected children are born. The risk is even higher, to the extent of 15%, if one parent and one sibling are affected [27, 28, 29].

4.2.3 Feeding and nutrition

The lip and palate play a significant role in the feeding mechanism. The palate superiorly, lip anteriorly, tongue inferiorly, bilaterally the cheeks, and posterior pharyngeal wall posteriorly form a closed chamber to create negative pressure for sucking milk from the breast or bottle [11]. Monthly monitoring is necessary to observe weight gain, hemoglobin level, and skeletal growth till the cleft palate is closed. After that, the achievement of milestones and weight gain is monitored.

Specially designed feeding bottles are available for these children. Haberman feeder, Mead Johnson feeder, Lamb’s nipple, cross-cut nipple, and long nipple are some of these [11]. Some of these devices deliver the fluid directly over the posterior part of the tongue so that the baby need not depend upon the sucking phenomenon [11]. In our country, feeding with a spoon or paladai (modified spoon with a nozzle) is prevalent. Special bottles in which flow is either gravity-dependent or squeeze-dependent are also available. These devices deliver milk at a controlled rate. However, these devices are expensive. Feeding techniques, such as holding the child in a semi-reclining position and patting the back to cause burping, are taught to the family. Ideally, the feed should not last more than 30 minutes, as longer feeds exhaust the baby.

4.2.4 Presurgical infant orthodontics and lip repair

The primary goal of all infant Orthodontics is to align the cleft segments into a correct anatomical position [17]. The nasal cartilage deformity is improved with the use of a nasal stent to reshape the nasal cartilage, lengthen the columella, and achieve projection of the flattened nasal tip [17]. Nasoalveolar molding is the most common form of passive infant Orthodontics used today.

The standard methods of unilateral lip repair practiced worldwide are the Randall-Tennison geometrical method (Figure 3), Millard’s rotation-advancement method (Figure 4), and the Pfeiffer-Afroze method. The standard methods of bilateral cleft lip repair practiced worldwide are those described by Veau, Mulliken, Black, and Millard.

Figure 3.

Marking of Randall-Tennison lip repair. 5: Base of columella on cleft side. 6: Base of ala on cleft side. 5-3: Height of philtrum on cleft side. 7-13: Perpendicular cut on cleft philtrum. 7-13 = 9-12 = 8–12. 9-8: Difference in height of philtrum on cleft and non-cleft side, i.e., difference between 6-8 and 5-3.

Figure 4.

Marking of Millard lip repair. From the proposed peak of Cupid’s bow on cleft side (point 3), incision is made to base of columella, then extended to midpoint of philtrum, and then extended perpendicular to previous incision, such that point 3 falls at equal height to point 2. That is why this technique is called as “cut as you go”. Randall-Tennison repair

Landmark points are marked (Figure 3). The lateral philtral point is taken as the highest point of Cupid’s bow on the noncleft side. The deepest point on Cupid’s bow is marked. The Nordoff’s point is marked on the cleft side. The mid-columella point is marked at the midpoint of the base of the columella. The alar base and columella base are marked bilaterally. A vertical line is drawn from the lateral columellar base point to the lateral philtral point on the non-cleft side, indicating the height of the lip. Another vertical line is drawn in the midline from the mid-columella point to the mid-philtral point at the lowest point of the Cupid’s bow. A horizontal line is drawn from the cleft side lateral philtral point, bisecting the midline and philtral column [30]. This is the length of the back-cut.

The dimensions from the medial element are used to design the triangular flap on the lateral element. An arc is made from the alar base point, equal to the height of the cleft side. Another arc is marked from the lateral philtral point to bisect the previous arc [30]. From this point, a third arc is marked, taking the length of the back cut as a radius. A fourth arc is drawn from the previously marked point with the same radius. These two arcs bisect to give the apex of the triangle. All points are tattooed. Adrenaline is infiltrated along the proposed incision margins, under the mucoperiosteum of the lateral maxilla, and under the mucoperichondrium of the septum.

Incisions are made on the markings, keeping mucosa intact. Orbicularis oris is freed from medial and lateral skin, mucosa, and vermillion. The cranial end of the mucosal incision is extended to the buccal sulcus. The lateral and medial elements are dissected off the maxilla sub- or supra-periosteally. The septoplasty is performed by dislocating the cartilaginous septum from the maxillary crest. The anterior palate is repaired using a vomer flap and lateral nasal mucosa. Excess lip skin is sometimes used to provide a second layer of cover to the anterior palate. The lip is repaired in three layers—orbicularis muscle, mucosa, and skin. Repair is extended to the nasal floor. The dry roll and the red line should be matched appropriately [30]. Millard repair

Landmark points are marked (Figure 4). The lateral philtral point is marked as the highest point of Cupid’s bow on the non-cleft side. The deepest point on Cupid’s bow is marked. The corresponding lateral philtral point is marked on the cleft side at the point. The mid-columella point is marked at the midpoint of the columella base. The alar base and columella base are marked bilaterally. On the lateral lip element, the lateral philtral point is marked at the point where the white line begins to fade. Castroviejo caliper is used to measure the heights of the lip on the cleft and non-cleft sides (The second part of Figure 4 demonstrates a case with philtral height of 10 mm and 4 mm on the non-cleft and cleft sides, respectively). This difference gives a rough idea as to the amount of back cut required [16].

After adrenaline infiltration, the cleft edges are pared, and the frenulum is cut. The rotation incision is started from the tattooed point of Cupid’s bow. The incision ascends up to the base of the columella with a gentle convexity facing the cleft [16]. It hugs the columella base for about two-thirds of its distance and ends with a back cut made perpendicular to the incisions. This back cut should stop short of the non-cleft side philtral column. As shown in the second part of Figure 4, the incision at the base of the columella is approximately 3 mm, and the back cut is 3 mm. These incisions bring about adequate rotation. As in Randall-Tennison repair, all false attachments of the orbicularis oris muscle are released. Septum correction, repair of anterior palate, and closure in three layers are done, as described in Randall-Tennison repair.

Conventionally, the anterior palate is closed along with the lip [18]. Previously, surgeons used an inferiorly based nasal septal and vomerine flap from the medial aspect and the mucoperiosteum from the lateral shelf. This led to growth problems, and these flaps were abandoned. Pichler and Sommerlad popularized the use of a superiorly based vomer flap and sutured it to the mucoperiosteum of the cleft-side palate to close the anterior palate in a single layer.

Correction of cleft lip nose deformity is accepted worldwide. McComb, Coghlan, and Salyer et al. popularized the concept of addressing the nose deformity along with cleft lip. Gradually, it was accepted worldwide, and now, it has become an integral part of cleft lip repair in many centers (Figure 5) [18, 19]. There are many variations in practices among surgeons involved in cleft care [20]. A total of 43% of surgeons do primary rhinoplasty at the age of 3–4 months, along with cleft lip repair, whereas 33% wait for 6 months. A total of 31.2% of surgeons believe in minimum dissection, whereas for 62.7%, dissection varies according to the deformity; 89.7% of surgeons feel primary correction reduces deformities; and 54.1% of surgeons feel one-fourth of patients may require revision before 7 years of age [20]. If the deformity is too much, a preschool rhinoplasty (at the age of 4–5 years) or intermediate rhinoplasty (at the age of 9–12 years) is advisable. According to Chang et al., the patients who underwent a combination of nasoalveolar molding, primary rhinoplasty with over-correction of the ala, and the use of nasal conformer for 6 months postoperatively, had the best outcome [21].

Figure 5.

In primary rhinoplasty, via lip incision or marginal incision, the lower lateral cartilage of cleft side is freed from overlying skin and fixed in a more superior, anterior and medial position via sutures, using either percutaneous sutures or direct sutures.

4.2.5 Hearing assessment and management

Regular otological examination and audiological surveillance using impedance tympanometry for hearing assessment are done. If required, ventilating tube (grommet) are inserted. Grommets are inserted into the anteroinferior quadrant of the tympanic membrane. These aerate the middle ear and prevent fluid collection, thus, preventing chronic otitis media [22]. These tubes are spontaneously extruded in 6–24 months. Prophylactic insertion of a grommet is no longer recommended. Indication of grommet is recurrent otitis media (more than three episodes in 6 months) or audiological evidence of hearing loss greater than 55 dB [23]. Aggressive otological and audiological surveillance and timely intervention improve hearing and speech outcomes in these children. Hearing aids are an excellent noninvasive option for improving hearing with minor morbidity. They are used to manage mild effusion, which is expected to resolve spontaneously in a few months [31, 32].

4.3 6 to 18 months

4.3.1 Palatoplasty

Hard palate repair techniques: Various techniques are utilized depending on the extent of the cleft. If the cleft extends to the entire length of the palate and the cleft is not too wide, von Langenbeck’s bipedicle flap technique is employed (Figure 6). Bardach’s two-flap technique gives the best results if the entire palate length is cleft and the gap is wide. If the cleft is very wide and the palatal shelves very narrow, it may be advantageous to do alveolar extension palatoplasty. For incomplete cleft of the posterior palate, the Veau–Wardill–Kilner VY technique (Figure 7) or the Dorrance pushback technique offer good repair.

Figure 6.

Von Langenbeck’s bipedicle flap palatoplasty.

Figure 7.

Veau–Wardill–Kilner VY pushback palatoplasty.

Soft palate repair techniques: In cases where the cleft extends only to the soft palate and the hard palate is not involved, the focus is on repairing the fibers of LVP, along with the closure of the nasal and oral mucosa. Furlow’s double opposing Z-plasty (Figure 8), modified Furlow’s technique, primary closure of mucosa with intravelar veloplasty, or Sommerlad’s radical muscle dissection techniques are practiced.

Figure 8.

Furlow palatoplasty.

In many countries, including ours, many patients do not return for palatoplasty after the correction of a cleft lip due to various reasons. To tackle this social problem, Agrawal et al. started practicing a protocol of repair of CP at 6 to 9 months of age or whenever the patient first presents to the clinician and repair of cleft lip 3 to 6 months after palatoplasty. Compliance with the second surgery (lip repair) improved significantly with this schedule. Also, when the functionally important palatoplasty is done first, and the second surgery of cheiloplasty is delayed for any reason, it is not a significant disadvantage to the child [33]. In children older than 3 years of age, a “whole-in-one” procedure has been popularized by Charles Pinto, wherein lip and palate repair are done in the same sitting [34].

4.4 4 to 6 years

4.4.1 Velopharyngeal dysfunction

Velopharyngeal sphincter closure is achieved by synchronous movement of the posterior pharyngeal wall anteriorly, the lateral wall medially, and the soft palate posteriorly [35]. A firm diagnosis of velopharyngeal dysfunction may not be possible before the age of 3 years because appropriate testing is complex in such young children. For most children, reliable testing can be performed when the child is between 3 and 5 years of age. Once the diagnosis of velopharyngeal dysfunction has been made, treatment may consist of nonsurgical speech therapy, corrective palate surgery, reconstructive pharynx surgery, obturation with a speech bulb, or placement of a palatal lift prosthesis [35]. Once the diagnosis is confirmed and it is ascertained that the treatment will be surgical, the timing of intervention should be early to prevent long-term speech difficulties and abnormal articulatory compensations that are difficult to correct later in life [11].

Depending on the site and cause of pathology, the following surgical options are available for managing velopharyngeal dysfunction. For repair/reinforcement of LVP, following procedures may be done: Redo-intravelar veloplasty, Furlow’s double opposing Z-plasty and radical muscle dissection palatoplasty. Palate lengthening is achieved using a buccal myomucosal flap [36]. In rare cases, genu enhancement using fat can suffice. If the velum is functioning well and the closure of the velopharyngeal sphincter is inadequate in the anteroposterior axis, superiorly based pharyngeal flap or augmentation pharyngoplasty can take care of the deficit in closure. Hynes or sphincter pharyngoplasty are procedures to correct the closure of velopharyngeal sphincter in transverse axis. Sometimes, there may be a need to combine multiple procedures [37]. Tables 2 and 3 summarize the choice of procedure with the findings on nasoendoscopy and video fluoroscopy, respectively.

Closure patternChoice of procedure
CoronalFurlow’s palatoplasty, redo palatoplasty, augmentation pharyngoplasty
SagittalPharyngeal flap, Furlow’s palatoplasty
Circular with or without Passavant’s ridgeMuscle redo/Furlow, sphincter pharyngoplasty

Table 2.

Decision of surgery based on closure pattern of velum on nasoendoscopy.

Length of soft palateChoice of procedure
Soft palate shorter by <20%Furlow’s palatoplasty
Soft palate shorter by >20%Furlow’s palatoplasty
Pharyngoplasty alone
Lengthening with buccal myomucosal flaps
Furlow’s with pharyngoplasty
Length is adequate, but uvula knee is forming anteriorly or the range of motion is inadequateRedo intravelar veloplasty Furlow’s palatoplasty

Table 3.

Decision of surgery based on video fluoroscopic findings.

4.5 7 to 12 years

4.5.1 Secondary alveolar bone grafting (SABG)

The alveolar cleft in complete CLP is addressed at the time of primary cleft lip repair or secondarily. Nowadays, the practice of primary bone grafting (also called “boneless bone grafting” or gingivoperiosteoplasty (GPP)) has been abandoned, as it was shown to be associated with more scars, the need for SABG in a significant proportion of patients and more pronounced maxillary hypoplasia [38, 39]. For doing GPP, the alveolar gap is narrowed using presurgical orthopedic devices like the Latham’s device or nasoalveolar molding. Gingioperiosteal flaps then bridge the alveolar gap. The gingivoperisteosteal flaps induce the formation of bone. Hence, this procedure was dubbed “boneless bone grafting”. This practice was pioneered by Skoog [40].

SABG is practiced at all centers these days. SABG is preceded by orthodontic treatment, during which the arches are aligned, and the teeth are derotated and erupted uniformly. Just before the permanent canine appears to erupt, SABG is performed. This allows the canine to erupt through the bone graft. This increases the likelihood of a parallel root positioning, with more excellent stability of the canine [30, 41, 42]. This also lessens the possibility of graft resorption. Post SABG, orthodontic treatment aids in “retention” of the result, as other than the alveolus, the rest of the cleft area is covered only with soft tissue. The disrupted maxilla is more prone to relapse in the initial days, and thus, orthodontic treatment is crucial after SABG.

In those children who present later after eruption of canine in the cleft or whose canine is affected with caries, tooth extraction is advised. After that, SABG is done with tooth implant placement. The long-term success of the tooth implant is good, and the implant acts as a functional stimulus to maintain the bone. However, a significant number of the implants require tertiary grafting [43].

4.6 Mid-adolescence to early adulthood

4.6.1 Maxillary advancement

Completion of maxillary development happens around 17 years in females and at about 18 years in males. This can be determined by identifying the carpal sesamoid (pisiform) bone in hand and wrist radiographs or by studying the lower border, height, and shape of the cervical vertebral body [16, 43, 44]. Midface hypoplasia has been reported by several authors to occur between 25 and 70% of all cleft patients, with an estimated 25 to 48% needing surgical treatment for skeletal correction [45, 46].

Some patients with mild midface hypoplasia, mild malocclusion, and good cosmesis can be offered orthodontic camouflage. Maxillary advancement procedures with preoperative and postoperative orthodontic treatment are necessary for the rest of the patients. The mainstay of surgical options in cleft midface hypoplasia is the advancement of the maxilla by Le Fort I osteotomy and rigid fixation using plates and screws [45]. Low Le Fort I level osteotomy about 4 to 5 millimeters above the floor of the pyriform aperture results in a harmonious facial profile in most cases [45]. A maximum advancement of 7 to 8 mm is possible in one go. Beyond this, the bone-to-bone contact is not enough for bony union. The use of bone grafts can allow advancement of about 2 millimeters more [46]. Too little contact between the bony segments leads to healing by the fibrous union (instead of the bony union), which has poor stability and may lead to mobile tooth-bearing segments.

The advancement of maxillary bone stretches the soft tissues. The soft tissues around the maxilla are scarred to varying degrees, having undergone many surgical procedures in the lifetime of the cleft patient. The scarred and stretched soft tissues cause a relapse of malocclusion in these patients. Therefore, maxillary advancement of more than 8–10 millimeters is always accompanied by a distractor device application, which works on the principle of “distraction histogenesis.” Distraction histogenesis is a slow process, taking weeks to months. The patient has to retain the bulky device for that long.

Another strategy is to combine maxillary advancement with mandibular setback. This distributes the required correction between the upper and lower jaws. Thus, each bone’s mobilization is reduced while better stability of the osteotomized fragments is ensured. Several authors have reported that bimaxillary surgery gives overall better esthetic and functional results and stability than maxillary advancement or mandibular setback alone [47]. However, the planning and execution of the osteotomies and fixation have to be more meticulous.

4.6.2 Secondary deformities

Despite advancements in cleft care and the development of excellent comprehensive care centers, most patients, especially in developing countries with clefts, still need to receive ideal treatment as per the current international protocols [48]. Surgeons need to understand the longevity and profound impact of poorly performed surgeries. Secondary deformities of the cleft lips are a rule rather than an exception [48]. Even after the most perfect initial repair, deformities may occur due to scar maturation and growth. Many children do not undergo any presurgical orthopedics/orthodontics or subsequent dental and maxillofacial treatment, thereby aggravating the secondary deformities [48].

The treatment should ideally start with presurgical orthopedics followed by cheiloplasty, palatoplasty, continued orthodontic treatment, preschool minor revisions, distraction of midface when necessary, rhinoplasty, and orthognathic surgery as required in adulthood [48]. Throughout this treatment, the patient’s result is dynamically influenced by growth. The final result of any cleft surgery is hence evident only after the child’s growth is complete. Therefore, it is difficult to envisage a scenario without secondary cleft lip deformities.

Secondary deformities of the lip are classified as scar-related, lip-related, white roll-related, vermillion-related, philtrum-related, muscle-related, or asymmetry of the structures. Scar-related issues may be a wide scar, hypertrophic scar, contracted scar, scar with cross hatches/suture marks, and hyperpigmented/hypopigmented scar. Lip-related problems may be the presence of a long lip, short lips, or tight lips. The white roll may be misaligned, scarred, or thinned. Vermillion may be misaligned, notched, thinned, or deformed (“whistle lip deformity”). Besides being unsightly, lack of muscle repair or poor muscle alignment leads to shallow buccal sulcus or absence of a sulcus, causing an adherent lip. Philtrum, being the central element of the lip, is very apparent when it is wide, narrow, or absent. The secondary deformities must be corrected surgically whenever the patient presents, as they cause ridicule of the child in school, and most of these deformities worsen with the child’s growth.

4.6.3 Secondary rhinoplasty

After a balanced and symmetric skeletal base is achieved, secondary rhinoplasty is performed. No single technique, to date, has provided a definite solution for correcting all the problems accompanying these deformities. Secondary rhinoplasty can be performed using an open or closed technique. The open approach is preferred for better exposure and visualization of the nasal elements. An open technique refers to lifting the skin off the nose to operate, while a closed technique is done through tiny incisions. Transcolumellar and infracartilaginous incisions are most frequently employed to visualize the lower lateral cartilages and the nasal septum.

The usual steps required in definitive rhinoplasty are septum straightening, tip elevation, columella lengthening, alar rim augmentation and dorsum augmentation with cartilage grafts, alar base augmentation and repositioning, correction of vestibular webs, elevation of nostril sill and nasal bones osteotomy. The extent of surgery needed is tailor-made to each patient’s deformity.

The usual steps are as follows. The open dorsal approach with tip-takedown is used to expose the septum. The septum is partially resected, leaving an L-shaped strut for dorsal caudal support. The remaining septum is repositioned in the midline and sutured to the periosteum of the anterior nasal spine. Submucous resection of the hypertrophied inferior turbinate may be required to improve the nasal airway. The inferiorly displaced cleft-side alar cartilage is advanced medially and sutured to its counterpart on the non-cleft side to obtain a balanced nasal tip. Placement of columellar strut graft, along with suturing of the medial and middle crura of both the alar cartilages to the tip of the strut, achieves tip projection, symmetry, and support [11].

The placement of cartilage grafts for support and reinforcement is a significant element of the cleft rhinoplasty surgery. Autologous cartilage grafts, from septum, costa, and auricle, are used for augmenting deficient areas and restoring structural support in the nose. Splinting the alar rim with cartilage grafts is required, as the cleft cartilage is too weak to withstand the deforming forces of the depressed dorsal skin mold, gravity, and growth. Patients with internal nasal valve dysfunction may benefit from a spreader graft. Patients may need lateral osteotomies to narrow the dorsum, or straighten a deviated nasal pyramid. If lateral osteotomies do not adequately narrow the dorsum, a central segment is removed to create an open roof via paramedian osteotomies [11]. The nasal bones are, then, in-fractured to achieve adequate narrowing. Nasal bone osteotomies are performed either percutaneously with a 2-mm osteotome or transnasally.


5. Outcome

5.1 Outcome analysis

CLP impacts many patient life domains, including appearance, speech, social integration, self-image, and physical and psychological functioning. Poor facial esthetics significantly affect health-related quality of life in people with repaired CLP. Investigators have used questionnaires about quality of life to highlight the disparity between functional outcomes and patient satisfaction. Young adult women report poorer satisfaction with their appearance, without any significant difference in functional outcomes of biting, chewing, swallowing, and speech comprehensibility. Presently, instruments related to one domain, such as speech, are being used to evaluate the impact of CLP on a person [49]. A free-to-use cleft-specific instrument that considers all CLP domains is sorely needed.

More comprehensive, valid, and reliable questionnaires for CLP surgery must be created [49]. The measurement instruments that have been validated in CLP are as follows: craniofacial-specific measures (Youth Quality of Life–Facial Differences), voice-related measures (Patient Voice–Related Quality of Life and Cleft Audit Protocol for Speech–Augmented), and oral health-related measures (Child Oral Health Impact Profile and Child Oral Health Quality of Life) [49].

The Youth Quality of Life–Facial Differences questionnaire consists of 48 questions across five realms: stigma, negative self-image, positive consequences, negative consequences, and coping. It is applied to children 11 to 18 years old. The Pediatric Voice-Related Quality of Life survey is a parent proxy instrument (Table 4). It is a 10-item instrument that measures social-emotional and physical-functional aspects of voice and speech issues. The Cleft Audit Protocol for Speech–Augmented is designed for parents of CLP children and measures 14 speech parameters, including intelligibility, voice, hypernasality, hyponasality, nasal emission, nasal turbulence, nasal friction, grimace, non-cleft speech errors, specialist intervention.

Because of my child’s voice, how much of a problem is this?
S. No.QuestionNone, not a problemA small amountA moderate amountA lotProblem is “as bad as it can be”Not applicable
1My child has trouble speaking loudly or being heard in noisy situations.123456
2My child runs out of air and needs to take frequent breaths when talking.123456
3My child does not know what will come out when he or she begins speaking.123456
4My child is sometimes anxious or frustrated (because of his or her voice.)123456
5My child sometimes gets depressed (because of his or her voice).123456
6My child has trouble using the telephone or speaking with friends in person.123456
7My child has trouble doing his or her job or schoolwork (because of his or her voice).123456
8My child avoids going out socially (because of his or her voice).123456
9My child has to repeat himself or herself to be understood.123456
10My child has become less outgoing (because of his or her voice)123456

Table 4.

Pediatric voice-related quality of life survey.

The Child Oral Health Impact Profile assesses self-reported oral-facial well-being in children aged 8–15. It consists of 34 items in five domains: oral health, functional well-being, social/emotional well-being, school environment, and self-image [49]. The Child Oral Health Quality of Life questionnaire measured self-reported oral health-related quality of life in children aged 11–14, including oral symptoms, functional limitations, emotional, and social well-being (Table 5). A shorter 16- and 8-item questionnaire, of the original 37-item questionnaire, is used in clinical settings [49].

S. No.QuestionsNeverHardly everOccassionallyFairly oftenVery often
1Have you had to avoid eating some foods?01234
2Have you found it difficult to relax?01234
3Have you felt depressed?01234
4Have you been upset?01234
5Have you felt uncomfortable about the appearance of your teeth, mouth or dentures?01234
6Have you been worried about dental problems?01234
7Have you had trouble getting along with other people?01234
8Have you avoided going out?01234
9Have you been unable to function?01234
10How often did you feel nervous or self-conscious because of problems with your teeth, gums or dentures?01234
11How much pain or distress has your teeth or gums caused you?01234
12Have you had uncomfortable dentures?01234

Table 5.

Child oral health quality of life questionnaire.

5.2 Midface beauty

The extent of abnormal growth of the mid-face varies from mild to severe. It is affected by genetics, cleft severity, timing of surgery, skills of the surgeon, and the number of revision surgeries performed.

There are no universally accepted parameters of mid-face beauty. Various surgeons have given some ways to describe an esthetically pleasing face. Little described the face as an ogee (a curvilinear silhouette in art and architecture). The soft tissues of the ideal youthful mid-face form an ogee, in the oblique view. Ramirez muses the whole youthful face looks similar to a double ogee curve, with the convexity of the upper ogee at the lateral brow and the lower ogee at the upper mid-face.

Bartlett and Whitaker describe the bizygomatic distance as the broadest portion of the face [50]. The bitemporal and bigonial distances are approximately equal and 10% less than the bizygomatic distance [50]. Linkov et al. have defined the line connecting the right and left zygomaxillary points as WIZDOM (Width of the Interzygomatic Distance of the Midface), where 1.6xWIZDOM was the facial length (hairline to the chin in the midline) (Figure 9) [50].

Figure 9.

Blue dashed lines indicate brow length and red dashed lines indicate WIZDOM. Yellow solid lines are for WIZDOM-lateral brow and eye length. Blue solid lines are for WIZDOM-Medial Canthus and Medial Canthus-nasal ala. Green line depicts WIZDOM-chin diagonal.


6. Conclusion

CLP is a common congenital anomaly. It is the cause of many esthetic, functional, and psychosocial issues [11]. The needs of the affected children must be acknowledged, and measures must be tailored to address them. This chapter summarizes the relevant clinical information for the diagnosis and management of children born with cleft anomalies. Table 1 and Figure 10 summarize the age-wise management plan in children born with CLP. It has been shown in multiple studies that the quality of life of families of children born with CLP is impacted negatively, the degree worsening with the severity of cleft [51]. Other studies show that the family’s quality of life improves significantly with appropriate management [52]. The holistic care of the cleft child and the family and their harmonious integration into society is the ultimate goal of all treatment.

Figure 10.

Stepwise management plan.


Conflict of interest



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Written By

Shilpi Karmakar and Pawan Kumar Dixit

Submitted: 05 April 2024 Reviewed: 09 December 2024 Published: 16 January 2025