Open access peer-reviewed Edited Volume
Fundación Universitaria Autónoma De Las Américas,
Open access chapters
By Aránzazu Portillo and José A. Oteo
By Lucy Ndip, Roland Ndip, David Walker and Jere McBride
By Ying Bai and Michael Kosoy
By Diana M. Castañeda-Hernández and Alfonso J. Rodriguez-Morales
By Regina Maria Pinto de Figueiredo
By E. Khan, R. Hasan, J. Mehraj and S. Mahmood
By Ute Inegbenebor
By Bordi Licia, Meschi Silvia, Selleri Marina, Lalle Eleonora, Castilletti Concetta, Carletti Fabrizio, Di Caro Antonino and Capobianchi Maria Rosaria
By Ross Parker and Kevin Leary
By Benjamin G. Koudou, Marcel Tanner and Juerg Utzinger
By Oscar Bruna-Romero, Dulcilene Mayrink de Oliveira and Valter Ferreira de Andrade-Neto
By Consuelo Giménez Pardo and Lourdes Lledó García
By A. Samie, A. ElBakri and Ra’ed AbuOdeh
By Akila Fathallah Mili, Fatma Saghrouni, Zeineb BenSaid, Yusr Saadi- BenAoun, Ikram Guizani and Moncef BenSaid
By Andrés F. Flórez, Stanley Watowich and Carlos Muskus
By Iván S. Marcipar and Claudia M. Lagier
By Antoni Soriano Arandes and Frederic Gómez Bertomeu
By Aline S. de Aluja, Julio Morales Soto and Edda Sciutto
By Louis-Albert Tchuem Tchuenté
By Cristiane Tefé-Silva, Eleuza R. Machado, Lúcia H. Faccioli and Simone G. Ramos
By Adisak Bhumiratana, Apiradee Intarapuk, Danai Sangthong, Surachart Koyadun, Prapassorn Pechgit and Jinrapa Pothikasikorn
By Asep K. Supriatna and N. Anggriani
By Yasuyoshi Mori, Norihiro Tomita, Hidetoshi Kanda and Tsugunori Notomi
By John C. Meade and Denise C. Cornelius
By Rubén Bueno Marí and Ricardo Jiménez Peydró
By Hippolite O. Amadi
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59 Crossref Citations
202 Dimensions Citations
148 Web of Science Citations
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