Universidade Federal de Santa Maria,
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria,
Federal University of Sao Paulo,
University of Kansas Medical Center,
United States of America
Open access chapters
By Tatiele Casagrande do Nascimento, Eduardo Jacob-Lopes, Veridiana Vera de Rosso and Leila Queiroz Zepka
By Mohd Fairulnizal Md Noh, Rathi Devi Nair Gunasegavan and Suraiami Mustar
By Isao Okayasu, Mutsunori Fujiwara and Tsutomu Yoshida
By Virgílio G. Uarrota, Angela de Fatima Moreira de Bairros, Diego Gindri, Lucieli Santini Leolato, Gisiane Camargo de Andrade, Daniele Nerling, Deivid Stefen, Mhanuel Arijama, Emílio Henriques Razão and Miguel Rocha
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32 Crossref Citations
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39 Altmetric Score
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