Southern Medical University
Open access chapters
By Danúbia Silva dos Santos and Regina Coeli dos Santos Goldenberg
By Antonella De Angelis, Donato Cappetta, Liberato Berrino and Konrad Urbanek
By Jing-Bo Jiang, James A. Balschi, Francis X. McGowan Jr and Huamei He
By Naoki Watanabe, Takeshi Yuasa and Ken Shimada
By Mina T. Kelleni and Mahrous Abdelbasset
By Adina Pop-Moldovan, Nelu-Mihai Trofenciuc, Maria Pușchița, Dan Alexandru Dărăbanțiu, Simona Mercea, Cătălin Hreniuc, Mircea Fica Onel, Valeriu Revenco, Irina Cabac, Mirela-Cleopatra-Tomescu, Horia Branea, Simina Crișan and Ruxandra Christodorescu
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