Open access peer-reviewed Edited Volume
Georgia State University,
United States of America
Open access chapters
By Adrian Furnham and Kate Telford
By Vesna Švab
By Arabinda Narayan Chowdhury
By Aline Drapeau, Alain Marchand and Dominic Beaulieu-Prévost
By Tsuyoshi Hattori, Shingo Miyata, Akira Ito, Taiichi Katayama and Masaya Tohyama
By Javier Contreras
By Śpila Bożena and Urbańska Anna
By M. Dalvi
By Rosó Duñó, Klaus Langohr, Diego Palao and Adolf Tobeña
By Monica Uddin, Erin Bakshis and Regina de los Santos
By John Matthews
By Zikrija Dostović, Dževdet Smajlović, Ernestina Dostović and Omer Ć. Ibrahimagic
By Mary Ditton
By Charl Els, Diane Kunyk, Harold Hoffman and Adam Wargon
By Mamdouh El-Adl
By Mónica Figueira, Inmaculada Fuentes and Juan C. Ruiz
By Adeyi A. Adoga
By Luciano L’Abate and Mario Cusinato
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239 Crossref Citations
545 Dimensions Citations
3 Altmetric Score
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