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Open access chapters
By Muhittin Kulak and Hakan Cetinkaya
By Ali Imran, Muhammad Umair Arshad, Sana Mehmood, Rabia Shabir Ahmed, Masood Sadiq Butt, Aftab Ahmed, Muhammad Imran, Muhammad Sajid Arshad, Neelam Faiza, Iahtisham Haq, Shahzad Ali Shahid Chatha, Muhammad Shahbaz, Qasim Ali and Muhammad Waseem
By María del Carmen García-Rodríguez, Mario Altamirano-Lozano and Alejandro Gordillo-García
By Elisa Torre, Giorgio Iviglia, Clara Cassinelli and Marco Morra
By Anatolii Kubyshkin, Yury Ogai, Iryna Fomochkina, Inna Chernousova, Georgiy Zaitsev and Yuliana Shramko
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