Open access peer-reviewed Edited Volume
University of Silesia,
University of Silesia,
Open access chapters
By R.J. Hemalatha, T.R. Thamizhvani, A. Josephin Arockia Dhivya, Josline Elsa Joseph, Bincy Babu and R. Chandrasekaran
By Pietro Cinaglia, Luciano Caroprese, Giuseppe Lucio Cascini, Francesco Dattola, Pasquale Iaquinta, Miriam Iusi, Pierangelo Veltri and Ester Zumpano
By Sareh Behdadfar, Laurent Navarro, Joakim Sundnes, Molly Maleckar, Hans Henrik Odland and Stephane Avril
By Francisco Mesa-Linares
By Zisheng Li, Peifei Zhu, Takashi Toyomura and Yoshimi Noguchi
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72 Crossref Citations
112 Dimensions Citations
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