Open access peer-reviewed Edited Volume
University of Navarra,
Open access chapters
By Jzau-Sheng Lin and Ray Shihb
By Haitham Hasan Badi, Bassam Sabbri and Fitian Ajeel
By Maryam Alimardani, Shuichi Nishio and Hiroshi Ishiguro
By Bijay Guragain, Ali Haider and Reza Fazel-Rezai
By Irving N. Weinberg, Lamar O. Mair, Sahar Jafari, Jose Algarin, Jose Maria Benlloch Baviera, James Baker-McKee, Bradley English, Sagar Chowdhury, Pulkit Malik, Jamelle Watson-Daniels, Olivia Hale, Pavel Y. Stepanov, Aleksandar Nacev, Ryan Hilaman, Said Ijanaten, Christian Koudelka, Ricardo Araneda, Jens Herberholz, Luz J. Martinez-Miranda, Benjamin Shapiro, Pablo S. Villar, Ilya Krivorotov, Sakhrat Khizroev and Stanley Fricke
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48 Crossref Citations
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