Open access chapters
By Philip F. Builders
By Rehab A. Hussein and Amira A. El-Anssary
By Piergiacomo Buso, Matteo Radice, Anna Baldisserotto, Stefano Manfredini and Silvia Vertuani
By Merlin L.K. Mensah, Gustav Komlaga, Arnold D. Forkuo, Caleb Firempong, Alexander K. Anning and Rita A. Dickson
By Preethi Vidya Udagama and Vindya Udalamaththa
By Tina Maver, Manja Kurečič, Dragica Maja Smrke, Karin Stana Kleinschek and Uroš Maver
By Dennis R.A. Mans, Angela Grant and Nicholaas Pinas
By Ezekwesili-Ofili Josephine Ozioma and Okaka Antoinette Nwamaka Chinwe
By Elisabetta Carata, Bernardetta Anna Tenuzzo and Luciana Dini
By María Eugenia Martínez Valenzuela, Katy Díaz Peralta, Lorena Jorquera Martínez and Rolando Chamy Maggi
By María Eugenia Martínez Valenzuela, Katy Díaz Peralta, Lorena Jorquera Martínez and Rolando Chamy Maggi
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