Kevin Michael
Kevin A. Michael graduated from the University of Natal in South Africa with a bachelor’s degree in Medicine and Surgery (MBChB), and a master’s degree in Cardiology (MPhil) from the University of Cape Town. He trained in internal medicine and cardiology at King Edward VIII Hospital and Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town, respectively. He was admitted as a fellow of the College of Physicians of South Africa in 2001 and was awarded his Certification in Cardiology through the Colleges of Medicine of South Africa in 2004. He completed a research fellowship at Southampton University Hospital in the United Kingdom and completed clinical fellowship training in cardiac electrophysiology at Queen’s University in 2009. He was awarded his doctorate in Medicine from the University of Cape Town in 2013 based on his thesis examining defibrillation vectors and waveforms. Dr. Michael was appointed as Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine at Queen’s University, Ontario, Canada, and thereafter was promoted to Associate Professor attached to the Heart Rhythm Service, Kingston Health Sciences Unit in Ontario. He also serves as a consultant electrophysiologist at the Heart Rhythm Management Centre at Life Westville Hospital in Durban, South Africa. He retains an interest in complex ablation and cardiac defibrillation and pursues research both in a basic science and in a clinical capacity.