University of Minho,
University of Minho,
Open access chapters
By Antonio Peña, Norma Silvia Sánchez and Martha Calahorra
By Ileana Cornelia Farcasanu and Lavinia Liliana Ruta
By Ileana Cornelia Farcasanu and Lavinia Liliana Ruta
By Enas Taha Sayed and Mohammad Ali Abdelkareem
By Burcu Turanlı-Yıldız, Burcu Hacısalihoğlu and Z. Petek Çakar
By Dorota Kręgiel, Ewelina Pawlikowska and Hubert Antolak
By Melina C. Santos, Carlos A. Breyer, Leonardo Schultz, Karen S. Romanello, Anderson F. Cunha, Carlos A. Tairum Jr and Marcos Antonio de Oliveira
By Vizoso-Vázquez Ángel, Barreiro-Alonso Aida, Rico-Díaz Agustín, Lamas-Maceiras Mónica, Rodríguez-Belmonte Esther, Becerra Manuel, González-Siso María Isabel and Cerdán María Esperanza
By Esperanza del Pilar Infante Luna
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48 Crossref Citations
104 Dimensions Citations
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