Open access peer-reviewed Edited Volume
Queen's University,
Open access chapters
By Sanoj Chacko and Adrian Baranchuk
By Cismaru Gabriel, Serban Schiau, Gabriel Gusetu, Lucian Muresan, Mihai Puiu, Radu Rosu, Dana Pop and Dumitru Zdrenghea
By Fariha Sadiq Ali and Usama Boles
By Catalina Tobón, Andrés Orozco‐Duque, Juan P. Ugarte, Miguel Becerra and Javier Saiz
By Pedro Eduardo Alvarado Rubio, Ricardo Mansilla Corona, Lizette Segura Vimbela, Alejandro González Mora, Roberto Brugada Molina, Cesar Augusto González López and Laura Yavarik Alvarado Avila
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