Open access peer-reviewed Edited Volume
International Hellenic University,
Open access chapters
By Norio Tsubokawa, Takeshi Yamauchi, Kazuhiro Fujiki and Shingo Tamesue
By Alexander López and Benjamin Santos
By Janusz Edward Jacak
By Ulises Antonio Méndez Romero, Miguel Ángel Velasco Soto, Liliana Licea Jiménez, Jaime Álvarez Quintana and Sergio Alfonso Pérez García
By Stefanos Chaitoglou, Enric Bertran and Jose Luis Andujar
By Rebeca Ortega-Amaya, Yasuhiro Matsumoto, Esteban Díaz-Torres, Claudio Davet Gutierrez-Lazos, Manuel Alejandro Pérez-Guzmán and Mauricio Ortega-López
By Prashantha Kumar H.G. and Anthony Xavior M.
By Maurizio Galimberti, Vincenzina Barbera and Annalisa Sironi
By Hui Li, Yifan Li and Wei Chen
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17 Crossref Citations
34 Dimensions Citations
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