University of Eastern Finland,
Open access chapters
By Noé Aguilar‐Rivera, Régulo Carlos Llarena‐Hernández, Christian Michel‐Cuello, Martin Roberto Gámez‐Pastrana and Teresita de Jesús Debernardi‐Vazquez
By Weiping Yin, Junna Liu, Huaqing Liu and Biyu Lv
By Afam I.O. Jideani and Rinah K. Netshiheni
By Pierre Rougé and Annick Barre
By Maria João Ramos Fraqueza and Luis Avelino da Silva Coutinho Patarata
By Severin Dushimirimana, David Damien and Thierry Hance
By Mai Kodama, Yumiko Takita, Hideaki Tamate, Azusa Saito, Jin Gong, Masato Makino, Ajit Khosla, Masaru Kawakami and Hidemitsu Furukawa
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