University of Sorocaba, Brazil
Open access chapters
By Thiago Carvalho da Silva, Leandro Diego da Silva, Edson Mauro Santos, Juliana Silva Oliveira and Alexandre Fernandes Perazzo
By Reynaldo De la Cruz-Quiroz, Sevastianos Roussos, Daniel Hernandez-Castillo, Raúl Rodríguez-Herrera, Lluvia Itzel López- López, Francisco Castillo and Cristóbal Noé Aguilar
By Gerardo Díaz-Godínez, Maura Téllez-Téllez, Carmen Sánchez and Rubén Díaz
By Samuel C. Oliveira, Dile P. Stremel, Eduardo C. Dechechi and Félix M. Pereira
By Sompong O‐Thong
By Otávio Bravim da Silva, Lucas Silva Carvalho, Gabriela Carneiro de Almeida, Juliana Davies de Oliveira, Talita Souza Carmo and Nádia Skorupa Parachin
By Lucas Silva Carvalho, Otávio Bravim da Silva, Gabriela Carneiro de Almeida, Juliana Davies de Oliveira, Nadia Skorupa Parachin and Talita Souza Carmo
By Esteban Beltran-Gracia, Gloria Macedo-Raygoza, Juan Villafaña- Rojas, America Martinez-Rodriguez, Yur Yenova Chavez-Castrillon, Froylan M. Espinosa-Escalante, Paolo Di Mascio, Tetsuya Ogura and Miguel J. Beltran-Garcia
By Denisa Liptáková, Zuzana Matejčeková and Ľubomír Valík
By Ulises Durán Hinojosa, Leticia Soto Vázquez, Isabel de la Luz Membrillo Venegas, Mayola García Rivero, Gabriela Zafra Jiménez, Sergio Esteban Vigueras Carmona and María Aurora Martínez Trujillo
By Anna Sikora, Anna Detman, Aleksandra Chojnacka and Mieczysław K. Błaszczyk
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