Open access peer-reviewed Edited Volume
Universidade Federal de Viçosa,
Federal University of Paraíba,
Open access chapters
By Carlos H.S. Rabelo, Lucas J. Mari and Ricardo A. Reis
By Gonzalo Ferreira and Alston N. Brown
By João Paulo F. Ramos, Edson M. Santos and Ana Paula M. Santos, Wandrick Hauss de Souza and Juliana Silva Oliveira
By Jaime Salinas Chavira
By Juliana Silva de Oliveira, Edson Mauro Santos and Ana Paula Maia dos Santos
By Natthawud Dussadee, Yuwalee Unpaprom and Rameshprabu Ramaraj
25,902 Total Chapter Downloads
6,366 Total Chapter Views
69 Crossref Citations
126 Dimensions Citations
52 Web of Science Citations
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