Open access peer-reviewed Edited Volume
Federal University of Technology Minna,
Open access chapters
By Aslı Uçar, Mustafa Volkan Yilmaz and Funda Pınar Çakıroğlu
By Antonio Valero, Magdevis-Yanet Rodríguez, Guiomar Denisse Posada-Izquierdo, Fernando Pérez-Rodríguez, Elena Carrasco and Rosa Maria García-Gimeno
By Luciana M. Coelho, Diego R. Pessoa, Kênia M. Oliveira, Priscila A.R. de Sousa, Lícia A. da Silva and Nívia M.M. Coelho
By Luisa W. Cheng, Kirkwood M. Land, Christina Tam, David L. Brandon and Larry H. Stanker
By Zhenbo Xu, Brian M. Peters, Bing Li, Lin Li and Mark E. Shirtliff
By G.F. Dzib Paredes, A. Ortega-Pacheco, J.A. Rosado-Aguilar, K.Y. Acosta-Viana, E. Guzmán -Marín and M. Jiménez-Coello
By Qinchun Rao and Yun-Hwa Peggy Hsieh
By Biljana Damjanović-Vratnica
43,719 Total Chapter Downloads
33,425 Total Chapter Views
82 Crossref Citations
161 Dimensions Citations
49 Web of Science Citations
10 Altmetric Score
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