University of Rijeka,
Open access chapters
By Juan M. Huerta
By Marta R. Costa-jussa and Rafael E. Banchs
By David Stallard, Rohit Prasad, Prem Natarajan, Fred Choi, Shirin Saleem, Ralf Meermeier, Kriste Krstovski, Shankar Ananthakrishnan and Jacob Devlin
By Anne Bonneau and Vincent Colotte
By Rodolfo Delmonte
By Bartosz Ziolko and Dawid Skurzok
By Matej Rojc and Izidor Mlakar
By Jiri Pribil and Anna Pribilova
By Yasunari Obuchi, Teppei Nakano, Tetsunori Kobayashi and Nobuo Hataoka
By Themos Stafylakis and Vassilis Katsouros
By Wei-Qiang Zhang and Jia Liu
By Robert Hursig and Jane Zhang
By Ahmad B. A. Hassanat
By Panikos Heracleous, Denis Beautemps, Hiroshi Ishiguro and Norihiro Hagita
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