Federal University of Rio de Janeiro,
Open access chapters
By Albert Albers, Sven Brudniok, Jens Ottnad, Christian Sauter and Korkiat Sedchaicharn
By Shinya Aoi and Kazuo Tsuchiya
By Yannick Aoustin, Gaetan Garcia and Philippe Lemoine
By Fumihiko Asano, Masaki Yamakita, Norihiro Kamamichi and Zhi-Wei Luo
By Olivier Bruneau and Anthony David
By Giorgio Cannata and Marco Maggiali
By Genci Capi, Yasuo Nasu, Mitsuhiro Yamano and Kazuhisa Mitobe
By Erik Cuevas, Daniel Zaldivar, Ernesto Tapia and Raul Rojas
By Peter Ford Dominey
By Evan Drumwright and Maja Mataric
By Yasutaka Fujimoto
By Sabri Gurbuz, Naomi Inoue and Gordon Cheng
By Olli Haavisto and Heikki Hyotyniemi
By Joshua G. Hale and Frank E. Pollick
By Almir Heralic, Krister Wolff and Mattias Wahde
By Kiyoshi Hoshino
By Qingjiu Huang and Kyosuke Ono
By Shuichi Nishio, Hiroshi Ishiguro and Norihiro Hagita
By Masayoshi Kanoh and Hidenori Itoh
By Dusko Katic and Miomir Vukobratovic
By Ichiro Kawabuchi
By A. Khiat, M. Toyota, Y. Matsumoto and T. Ogasawara
By Dongwon Kim and Gwi-Tae Park
By Yifa Jiang Hidenori Kimura
By Frank Kirchner, Sebastian Bartsch and Jose DeGea
By Steffen Knoop, Stefan Vacek and Rudiger Dillmann
By Atsushi Konno, Takaaki Matsumoto, Yu Ishida, Daisuke Sato and Masaru Uchiyama
By Kolja Kuhnlenz, Georgios Lidoris, Dirk Wollherr and Martin Buss
By Jan Babic and Jadran Lenarcic
By Tsai-Yen Li and Pei-Zhi Huang
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