Institute of Parasitology,
Czech Republic
Open access chapters
By Duncan R. Smith
By King NJC, van Vreden C, Terry RL, Getts DR, Yeung AWS, Teague-Getts M, Davison AM, Deffrasnes C. and Munoz-Erazo L.
By Tian Wang, Thomas Welte, Vandana Saxena and Guorui Xie
By Sandra Theresa Jackson, Justin Jang Hann Chu, Po-Ying Chia, Owen St. Clair Morgan and Lee-Ching Ng
By Jonathan F. Day and Jeffrey Shaman
By Oliver Donoso-Mantke, Luidmila S. Karan and Daniel Růžek
By Daisuke Hayasaka
By Natalia G. Plekhova, Larisa M. Somova, Irina N. Lyapun, Nadejda M. Kondrashova, Natalia V. Krylova, Galina N. Leonova and Euvgenii V. Pustovalov
By Bakhvalova V.N., Panov V.V. and Morozova O.V.
By S. E. Tkachev, T.V. Demina, Yu.P. Dzhioev, I.V. Kozlova, M.M. Verkhozina, E.K. Doroshchenko, O.V. Lisak, V.N. Bakhvalova, A.I. Paramonov and V.I. Zlobin
By Viera Svihrova, Henrieta Hudeckova, Janka Buchancova and Maria Avdicova
By H. Biletska, I. Lozynskiy, O. Drul, O. Semenyshyn, I. Ben, A. Shulgan and V. Fedoruk
By Shailendra K. Saxena, Sneham Tiwari, Rakhi Saxena, Asha Mathur and Madhavan P.N. Nair
By Maximilian Larena and Mario Lobigs
By Sojan Abraham, Shwetank Verma, Gaurav Kumar and Ramanathapuram Manjunath
By Ching-Kai Chuang and Wei-June Chen
By Guillaume Le Flohic and Jean-Paul Gonzalez
By Mika Saito, Takashi Ito, Yosuke Amano, Junji Takara, Katsushi Nakata, Shoko Tamanaha, Yuichi Osa, Tomoo Yoshino, Manabu Onuma, Takashi Kuwana, Go Ogura, Masayuki Tadano, Daiji Endoh and Mitsuhiko Asakawa
By Somsak Pantuwatana and Matti Sallberg
By Kaliyaperumal Karunamoorthi
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