Kaohsiung Medical University,
Open access chapters
By Joao L. A. Carvalho and Krishna S. Nayak
By Sebastiaan Annerel, Tom Claessens, Peter Van Ransbeeck, Patrick Segers, Pascal Verdonck and Jan Vierendeels
By Shahab Shahrzad and Samira Taban
By Lazar Velicki, Stamenko Šušak, Nada Čemerlić-Ađić and Aleksandar Redžek
By Ioan Tilea, Brindusa Tilea, Cristina Maria Tatar and Mihaela Ispas
By Uzma Jalal Serageldin Raslan and Farouk Mookadam
By Jesper Hjortnaes and Elena Aikawa
By W. R. E. Jamieson, C. A. Yankah, R. Lorusso, O. Benhameid, R. I. Hayden, R. Forgie and H. Ling
By W.R. Eric Jamieson, Charlie Zhang, Jennifer Higgins, Michael H. Yamashita and Jian Ye
By Ibrahim Akin, Stephan Kische, Henrik Schneider, Tim C. Rehders, Christoph A. Nienaber and Hüseyin Ince
By Alice Le Huu, Rony Atoui and Dominique Shum-Tim
By Hunaid A. Vohra, Robert N. Whistance and Sunil K. Ohri
By Mohamed Esmail Karar, David Holzhey, Matthias John, Ardawan Rastan, Friedrich-Wilhelm Mohr and Oliver Burgert
By Venkata Thota and Farouk Mookadam
By Blerim Berisha, Xhevdet Krasniqi, Dardan Kocinaj, Ejup Pllana and Masar Gashi
By Evaldas Girdauskas, Michael A. Borger and Thomas Kuntze
By Ying-Fu Chen and Shuo-Tsan Lee
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