Open access peer-reviewed Edited Volume
Hospital Universitario de La Princesa,
Open access chapters
By Marwan A. Simaan, George Faragallah, Yu Wang and Eduardo Divo
By John Terrovitis, Eleni Tseliou, Stavros Drakos and John Nanas
By Rachit Shah, Sharath Kommu, Rohit Bhuriya and Rohit Arora
By M. Navaratnarajah, M. Ibrahim, M. Yacoub and C. Terracciano
By Tomoko S. Kato, Kazuo Komamura, Ikutaro Nakajima, Ayako Takahashi, Noboru Oda and Masafumi Kitakaze
By Cenk Eray Yildiz
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6 Crossref Citations
21 Dimensions Citations
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