IntechOpen Book Series

Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine

BOOK SERIES DOI 10.5772/intechopen.107192ISSN 3033-361X

Latest publication 06 December 2024

A collection of scientific Topics in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine - always open for submission with an Annual Volume published each calendar year with a dedicated ISSN and ISBN.

Led by Series Editor Prof. Kaan Kırali and an international Editorial Board, all submissions are peer-reviewed and published immediately after acceptance.

The Book Series also publishes a program of research-driven Thematic Edited Volumes that focus on specific areas and allow for a more in-depth overview of a particular subject.


Today, since molecular science on structural causes of oncological pathologies and their molecular treatments are developing at an unbelievable rate, the primary medical cause of death in the twenty-first century will be cardiovascular disease. Neither pandemics that threaten all humanity nor deterioration in the ecosystem will be able to change this fact. Especially, this century seems poised to witness an incredible struggle against atherosclerotic disease, which develops in the arterial walls and results in narrowing and occlusion of the arterial lumen. In addition to this disease, there has been an increasing prevalence of heart rhythm problems, deterioration of heart valves due to aging, and heart failure. Serious vascular pathologies such as stenosis and occlusion, dissection and rupture, and aneurysmal enlargement are also major concerns. Medical and invasive treatment methods may work to save human lives, but they will never provide a real solution. All kinds of medical, technological, and genetic engineering developments obtained in these processes have not yet been sufficient to alleviate or eliminate cardiovascular disease.
This book series, Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine, includes three topics. The first, Cardiovascular Diseases and Health, reviews important cardiovascular diseases and the developments in their prognosis. The second topic, Cardiovascular Electrophysiology, illuminates the abnormal functioning of the cardiac conduction system, which is caused by all heart pathologies and negatively affects prognosis. The third topic in this series, Cardiovascular Surgery, details treatment for cardiovascular pathologies and how to regulate normal physiological functions with percutaneous or extracorporeal interventions.

Series Editor

An image of Kaan Kırali

Kaan Kırali

Koşuyolu High Specialization Education and Research Hospital, Turkey

Publication details

BOOK SERIES DOI 10.5772/intechopen.107192

ISSN 3033-361X


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Topics in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine

Topic Editor

An image of Karine Guerrier

Karine Guerrier

University of Tennessee Health Science Center, United States of America

Topic Editor

An image of Mahi L. Ashwath

Mahi L. Ashwath

The University of Texas at San Antonio, United States of America

Topic Editor

An image of Takashi Murashita

Takashi Murashita

University of Missouri, United States of America

Online First Works

Open Access Peer-reviewed Research

Endovascular Techniques for the Treatment of Venous Diseases

Angélica Araújo Cortines Laxe Renó and Leonardo Da cruz reno

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1007880


Part Of Topic: Cardiovascular Diseases and Health

Part of the book: Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment of Venous Thromboembolism [Working Title]

Open Access Peer-reviewed Research

Deep Vein Thrombosis Prophylaxis for Whom? When?

Sidar Şiyar AYDIN and Oğuzhan Birdal

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1007194


Part Of Topic: Cardiovascular Diseases and Health

Part of the book: Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment of Venous Thromboembolism [Working Title]

Open Access Peer-reviewed Research

Atrial Fibrillation in Heart Failure

Ali Oto and Ebru Şahin

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1006110


Part Of Topic: Cardiovascular Electrophysiology

Part of the book: Atrial Fibrillation - Current Management and Practice [Working Title]

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