60 Open Access Books
1,123 Authors and Editors
280 Web of Science Citations
716 Crossref Citations
1,356 Dimension Citations
Open Access Peer-reviewed Chapter
Subjective Meaning Communication: A Psycholinguistics Cognitive and Affective Critical Thinking Pers...
Joel Laffita Rivera
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1008790
Part of the book: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving - Strategies, Applications, and Psychological Insights [Working Title]
Open Access Peer-reviewed Chapter
Parenting Styles and Competencies: Their Influence on Children’s Development
Jael Vargas-Rubilar and María Cristina Richaud and Viviana Noemí Lemos
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1008805
Part of the book: Parenting Styles and Practices [Working Title]
Open Access Peer-reviewed Chapter
Enlightenment and the Psychology of Self-Transcendence: Pathways to Fundamental Well-Being and Proso...
Matthew Furnell and William Van Gordon
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1008802
Part of the book: Happiness and the Psychology of Enlightenment [Working Title]
Open Access Peer-reviewed Chapter
Developing and Testing Tele-Support Psychotherapy through Mobile Phones for Youth (15–30 Years) with...
Etheldreda Nakimuli-Mpungu, Jeremiah Mutinye Kwesiga, John Mark Bwanika, Davis Musinguzi, Carol Nakanyike, Jane Iya, Benedict Akimana, Charlotte Hawkins, Patricia Cavazos, Jean B. Nachega +2 more...
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1008155
Part of the book: Psychotherapy - New Trends and Developments [Working Title]
Open Access Peer-reviewed Chapter
Breaking the Silence of Sexual Harassment and Assault among Trail and Ultrarunners through Cycles of...
Christy Teranishi Martinez, Crista Scott Tappan and Juliane Martinez and Harley Baker
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1008548
Part of the book: Contemporary Perspectives on Sexual Abuse - Disclosure, Response, and Treatment Considerations [Working Title]
Open Access Peer-reviewed Chapter
Artificial Intelligence in Creative Writing Studies: Threat or Opportunity
Susan Taylor Suchy
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1008429
Part of the book: Creativity in Contemporaneity [Working Title]
By Shilpa Amarya, Kalyani Singh and Manisha Sabharwal
Part of the book: Gerontology
By Bradley J. Morris, Steve Croker, Amy M. Masnick and Corinne Zimmerman
Part of the book: Current Topics in Children's Learning and Cognition
By Jennifer S. Mills, Amy Shannon and Jacqueline Hogue
Part of the book: Perception of Beauty
By Mavis Henriques and Debasis Patnaik
Part of the book: Beauty
By Helena Björelius and Şermin Tükel
Part of the book: Advances in Speech-language Pathology
By Shilpa Amarya, Kalyani Singh and Manisha Sabharwal
Part of the book: Gerontology
By Claudia S. P. Fernandez, Herbert B. Peterson, Shelly W. Holmstrőm and AnnaMarie Connolly
Part of the book: Emotional Intelligence
By Mavis Henriques and Debasis Patnaik
Part of the book: Beauty
By Prisilla Jayanthi and Muralikrishna Iyyanki
Part of the book: Aging