60 Open Access Books
1,123 Authors and Editors
280 Web of Science Citations
716 Crossref Citations
1,356 Dimension Citations
60 peer-reviewed open access books
Edited by Sara Ventura
Edited by Martha Peaslee Levine
Edited by Éric Laurent
Edited by Murat Tezer
Edited by Andrzej Klimczuk
Edited by Xiaoming Jiang
Subjective Meaning Communication: A Psycholinguistics Cognitive and Affective Critical Thinking Pers...
Joel Laffita Rivera
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1008790
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving - Strategies, Applications, and Psychological Insights [Working Title]
Parenting Styles and Competencies: Their Influence on Children’s Development
Jael Vargas-Rubilar and María Cristina Richaud and Viviana Noemí Lemos
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1008805
Parenting Styles and Practices [Working Title]
Enlightenment and the Psychology of Self-Transcendence: Pathways to Fundamental Well-Being and Proso...
Matthew Furnell and William Van Gordon
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1008802
Happiness and the Psychology of Enlightenment [Working Title]
Developing and Testing Tele-Support Psychotherapy through Mobile Phones for Youth (15–30 Years) with...
Etheldreda Nakimuli-Mpungu, Jeremiah Mutinye Kwesiga, John Mark Bwanika, Davis Musinguzi, Carol Nakanyike, Jane Iya, Benedict Akimana, Charlotte Hawkins, Patricia Cavazos, Jean B. Nachega +2 more...
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1008155
Psychotherapy - New Trends and Developments [Working Title]
Breaking the Silence of Sexual Harassment and Assault among Trail and Ultrarunners through Cycles of...
Christy Teranishi Martinez, Crista Scott Tappan and Juliane Martinez and Harley Baker
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1008548
Contemporary Perspectives on Sexual Abuse - Disclosure, Response, and Treatment Considerations [Working Title]
Artificial Intelligence in Creative Writing Studies: Threat or Opportunity
Susan Taylor Suchy
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1008429
Creativity in Contemporaneity [Working Title]
By Shilpa Amarya, Kalyani Singh and Manisha Sabharwal
Part of the book: Gerontology
By Bradley J. Morris, Steve Croker, Amy M. Masnick and Corinne Zimmerman
Part of the book: Current Topics in Children's Learning and Cognition
By Jennifer S. Mills, Amy Shannon and Jacqueline Hogue
Part of the book: Perception of Beauty
By Mavis Henriques and Debasis Patnaik
Part of the book: Beauty
By Helena Björelius and Şermin Tükel
Part of the book: Advances in Speech-language Pathology
By Shilpa Amarya, Kalyani Singh and Manisha Sabharwal
Part of the book: Gerontology
By Claudia S. P. Fernandez, Herbert B. Peterson, Shelly W. Holmstrőm and AnnaMarie Connolly
Part of the book: Emotional Intelligence
By Mavis Henriques and Debasis Patnaik
Part of the book: Beauty
By Prisilla Jayanthi and Muralikrishna Iyyanki
Part of the book: Aging