189 Open Access Books
4,750 Authors and Editors
4,716 Web of Science Citations
3,849 Crossref Citations
8,163 Dimension Citations
189 peer-reviewed open access books
Edited by Ahmed Maghraby
Edited by Zambri Harun
Edited by René Steijl
Edited by Masoud Harooni
Edited by Ashis Kumar Samanta
Application of the Low Frequency and Low-Intensity Electrostatic Field in Rehabilitation Programs fo...
Galina Mratskova
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1007878
Electrostatics - Fundamentals and Modern Applications [Working Title]
Modeling and Optimal Design Strategies for Wire-Plate ESP
Mohamed Badran and Abdallah Alkhaiyat
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1008501
Electrostatics - Fundamentals and Modern Applications [Working Title]
Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations to Deepen Understanding of the Hemodynamic Underlying Atria...
Camilla Cortesi, Matteo Falanga, Sachal Hussain, Nadia D’Alessandro, Corrado Tomasi and Alessandro Masci and Cristiana Corsi
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1008243
Computational Fluid Dynamics - Analysis, Simulations, and Applications [Working Title]
Single-Pixel Digital Holography using a Digital Micromirror Device
Ma. A. Araiza-Esquivel, Misael Torres-García, Diana I. Ortiz-Esquivel, Armando Santos-Amador, Raúl E. Balderas-Navarro and Alfonso López-Martínez and Humberto González-Hernández
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1008276
Holography and Applications [Working Title]
Revolutionizing Tomorrow: Embracing the Cutting-Edge of Holographic Technology
Camilo Fernandez
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1007510
Holography and Applications [Working Title]
By Kátia Aparecida da Silva Aquino
Part of the book: Gamma Radiation
By Mogana Das Murtey and Patchamuthu Ramasamy
Part of the book: Modern Electron Microscopy in Physical and Life Sciences
By Claudia Maria Simonescu
Part of the book: Advanced Aspects of Spectroscopy
By Abubaker Hassan Hamad
Part of the book: High Energy and Short Pulse Lasers
By Patrick Vanraes, Anton Y. Nikiforov and Christophe Leys
Part of the book: Plasma Science and Technology
By Kazuo Shimizu, Jaroslav Kristof and Marius Gabriel Blajan
Part of the book: Atmospheric Pressure Plasma
By Bülend Ortaç, Elif Uzcengiz Şimşek and Canan Kurşungöz
Part of the book: Laser Ablation
By Robert T. Youker
Part of the book: Photon Counting
By Haoming Bao, Hongwen Zhang, Guangqiang Liu and Weiping Cai
Part of the book: Plasmonics
By William R. Webber
Part of the book: Cosmic Rays