Georgios Androutsopoulos

School of Medicine, University of Patras

Georgios Androutsopoulos completed his Degree in Medicine at the National and Kapodestrian University of Athens, in 1995. Prof. Androutsopoulos received his Medical Specialization at the Department of Obstetrics - Gynaecology of the University of Patras, in 2006. He also completed his Doctorate in Medicine at the same Department, in 2007. He started his academic career as a Lecturer and Consultant at the Department of Obstetrics - Gynecology of the University of Patras School of Medicine in 2012. Currently, he is an associate professor, consultant, and head of the gynaecological oncology unit in the same department. His research interests are mainly focused on Obstetrics - Gynaecology and Gynaecological Oncology. He has authored 7 Chapters in Scientific Books and 45 articles in International Scientific Journals.

Georgios Androutsopoulos

2books edited

3chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Georgios Androutsopoulos

The caesarean section is a widely accepted surgical procedure, that is mainly used in complex cases. However, the significant increase in caesarean section rates especially in developed countries, causes several medical and socio-economic problems. The main role of this book project is the presentation of recent advances in caesarean section surgical technique, most common perioperative complications and appropriate measures in order to reduce unnecessary caesarean section procedures. Overall, caesarean section implementation in daily practice should be reconsidered and performed in carefully selected cases, in order to provide clear health benefits for both mother and fetus and avoid unnecessary surgical interventions.

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