Open access peer-reviewed Edited Volume
Open access chapters
By Robert Frangež, Marjana Grandič and Milka Vrecl
By Victoria Chagoya de Sánchez, Lucía Yañez-Maldonado, Susana Vidrio-Gómez, Lidia Martínez, Jorge Suárez, Alberto Aranda-Fraustro, Juan Carlos Torres and Gabriela Velasco-Loyden
By Beata Mlot and Piotr Rzepecki
By David Goukassian, James Morgan and Xinhua Yan
By Vukosava Milic Torres and Viktorija Dragojevic Simic
By M. Fiuza and A. Magalhães
By Elena Kinova and Assen Goudev
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16 Crossref Citations
45 Dimensions Citations
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