Open access peer-reviewed Annual Volume
King George's Medical University,
Fundación Universitaria Autónoma De Las Américas
Open access chapters
By Monika Agarwal, Maviya Khan, Pratyaksha Pandit and Sugandha Jauhari
By Sreedasyam Sreedevi and Gudikandula Krishna
By Gudikandula Krishna, Sreedasyam Sreedevi and Dasari Thrimothi
By Biswajyoti Borkakoty, Aniruddha Jakharia, Pratibha Singh and Siraj Ahmed Khan
By Elcio Magdalena Giovani, Alfredo Mikail Mesquita, Fátima Cristina Carneiro Marques, Alexandre Cândido, Matheus Rigo Ribeiro, Gabriel Casemiro Quicoli and Levy Anderson Cesar Alves
By Hector J. Gomez, Jaime Carrizosa, Shivanshu Kumar, Samara P. Singh, Sunanda Singh and Ashutosh S. Parihar
By Naiara Clemente Tavares, Camila Sales Nascimento, Jaquelline Germano de Oliveira and Carlos Eduardo Calzavara-Silva
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