Annarita Leva
Dr Annarita Leva is a specialist of the Foreign Ministry, in the International Cooperation Italy-Argentine, (1990), Italian Coordinator of collaborative research between NRCGEB-National Research Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology ,Tehran ,Iran and IVALSA (2003-2004) and Project leader of National Projects on biotechnologies applied in perennials fruit crops (1982-1989; 1989-1991; 2006-2011). Dr Leva’s research area includes: the development of plant tissue culture techniques and related biotechnologies on perennial plants for: Micropropagation; Somatic embryogenesis; Morphological, biochemical and molecular characterization of the regenerated plants; In vitro somaclonal variation to induce new genetic variability. Annarita Leva is author or co-author of 75 scientific publications and recipient of an Academy award by Academy of Georgofili, Florence, Italy, for the scientific paper: Leva A.R. 2011. Innovative and rapid protocol for ex vitro rooting of olive microcuttings. Cent. Eur. J. Biol. 6(3) 352-358.