Open access peer-reviewed Edited Volume
A*STAR - Agency for Science, Technology and Research,
Victoria University of Wellington,
New Zealand
Open access chapters
By Abbas Mohammed and Zhe Yang
By Yen Kheng Tan and Sanjib Kumar Panda
By Khelifa Benahmed, Haffaf Hafid and Madjid Merabti
By Mathias Grudén, Magnus Jobs and Anders Rydberg
By Nizar Bouabdallah, Mario E. Rivero-angeles, Sofiane Moad and Bruno Sericola
By Marot Michel
By Moufida Maimour, Houda Zeghilet and Francis Lepage
By Wibhada Naruephiphat and Chalermpol Charnsripinyo
By Otgonchimeg Buyanjargal and Youngmi Kwon
By Mukundan Venkataraman, Mainak Chatterjee and Kevin Kwiat
By Arslan Munir and Ann Gordon-ross
By Jiehui Chen, Mariam B. Salim and Mitsuji Matsumoto
By Dimitrios Zorbas and Christos Douligeris
By George Zaki, Nora Ali, Ramez Daoud, Hany Elsayed, Sami Botros, Magdi El-soudani and Hassanein Amer
By Hidehiro Nakano, Masaki Yoshimura, Akihide Utani, Arata Miyauchi and Hisao Yamamoto
By Yanos Saravanos, Mohamad Haidar and Robert Akl
By Minoru Ito and Ryo Katsuma
By Rabindra Bista and Jae-woo Chang
By Akihide Utani, Arata Miyauchi, Hisao Yamamoto and Hidehiro Nakano
By Sean Harte, Stefano Rollo, Emanuel Popovici and Brendan O'flynn
By Michele Albano and Stefano Chessa
By Ju-hyung Son, Seung-woo Seo and Seung-woo Seo
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112 Crossref Citations
209 Dimensions Citations
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