Open access peer-reviewed Edited Volume
Botanical Institute of Barcelona,
Open access chapters
By Ricardo C. Guerrero-Ferreira and Michele K. Nishiguchi
By Víctor López-Gómez and Zenón Cano-Santana
By Sylvie Manguin and Christophe Boëte
By Costanza Jucker and Daniela Lupi
By Eyal Shochat and Ofer Ovadia
By Graciela Pucci, María Cecilia Tiedemann, Adrián Acuña and Oscar Pucci
By Susan Charnley and Susan Hummel
By Christine Haaland and Mats Gyllin
By Eva Gustavsson, Anna Dahlström, Marie Emanuelsson, Jörgen Wissman and Tommy Lennartsson
By Jérémie Kokou Fontodji, Honam Atsri, Kossi Adjonou, Aboudou Raoufou Radji, Adzo Dzifa Kokutse, Yaovi Nuto and Kouami Kokou
By Serge Morand
By Brandon P. Anthony and Alina Szabo
By Sébastien Le Bel, Amon Murwira, Billy Mukamuri, René Czudek, Russell Taylor and Mike La Grange
By E. Silva Rivera, B. Contreras-Ruiz Esparza and E. Parraguez-Vergara
By Cornelia Butler Flora
By Oana Adriana Cuzman, Piero Tiano, Stefano Ventura and Piero Frediani
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92 Crossref Citations
261 Dimensions Citations
27 Web of Science Citations
3 Altmetric Score
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