Open access peer-reviewed Edited Volume
University of Padua,
Sutter Health,
United States of America
University of Padua,
Open access chapters
By Ahmad H. Alnawafleh, Munir Abu-Helalah and Ghadah Kayyali
By Mulugeta Shegaze Shimbre and Abayneh Tunje Tanga
By Qiru Wang, Rita Borgo and Robert S. Laramee
By Ankit Rai, Aakansha Giri Goswami, Rajkumar K. Seenivasagam, Asish Das, Farhanul Huda and Somprakas Basu
By Richard Dickson Amoako
By Li Wang, Katrina Weng, Chilsea Wang, Dawei Zheng and Xin-Nong Li
By Amy Matecki, Peter Greenlaw, Charlene Ossler, George Sousa, Alex Feng and Paul Arciero
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