Open access peer-reviewed Edited Volume
Spiritist Medical Association, Brazil
Open access chapters
By Wen-Long Hu, Yu-Chiang Hung and Chih-Hao Chang
By Camila da Silva Gonçalo, Jorge Vas and Antonio Carlos Pereira
By Yutaka Takaoka, Mika Ohta and Aki Sugano
By Liangdeng Zhang, Jie Wang, Kuiwu Yao and Ji Zhang
By Jenson Mak and Louise Mak
By Thomas Schockert
By Kylie O’Brien and Stephen Birch
By Marcelo Saad, Mario Sergio Rossi Vieira, Liliana Lourenço Jorge and Roberta de Medeiros
By Patrick CY Woo, Ada WC Lin and Susanna KP Lau
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10 Crossref Citations
16 Dimensions Citations
3 Altmetric Score
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