Open access peer-reviewed Edited Volume
Saveetha University,
Newcastle University,
United Kingdom
Open access chapters
By Sophie Butterworth, Stephanie van Eeden, Hayley Llandro, David C.G. Sainsbury, Lucy Burbridge, Erfan Shamsoddin, Thomas Franchi, Pritik A Shah and Marcos Roberto Tovani Palone
By Fernanda Leite, Leonardo Henrique Lucas de Lima e Silva, Tales Shinji Sawakuchi Minei, Gustavo Amorim Oliveira Pinto and Bruyere Pinto Rodrigues
By Nhan Van Vo, Nguyen Quan Pham, Chien Dac Ho, Son Van Le and Ha Manh Nguyen
By Badr M.I. Abdulrauf
By Rahma ElNaghy, Sara Amin and Majd Hasanin
By Stephanie van Eeden and Caroline Williams
3,525 Total Chapter Downloads
5 Crossref Citations
7 Dimensions Citations
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