Constantin Voloşencu
Prof. Dr. Constantin Voloşencu graduated as an engineer from Politehnica University Timișoara in Romania, where he also obtained a doctorate. He is currently a full professor in the Department of Automation and Applied Informatics at the same university. Prof. Voloşencu is the author of 10 books, 7 book chapters, and more than 170 papers published in journals and conference proceedings. He has also edited 15 books and has 27 patents to his name. He is a manager of research grants, editor-in-chief, and member of international journal editorial boards. He is also a former keynote and plenary speaker, a member of scientific committees, and chair at international conferences. Prof. Volosencu is a science ambassador of LiveDNA and a member of the Asian Council of Science Editors (ACSE). His research areas include control systems, control of electric drives, fuzzy control systems, neural network applications, fault detection and diagnosis, sensor network applications, monitoring of distributed parameter systems, and power ultrasound applications. He has developed automation equipment for machine tools, spooling machines, high-power ultrasound processes, and more.